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[Off-Topic] Min. da verdade o fim da liberdade de expressão

Espaço dedicado a todo o tipo de troca de impressões sobre os mercados financeiros e ao que possa condicionar o desempenho dos mesmos.

[Off-Topic] Min. da verdade o fim da liberdade de expressão

por BearManBull » 1/5/2022 19:21

VIVEK RAMASWAMY: One of the things that's underappreciated is how much these firms coordinate with one another behind the scenes. And this is not price-fixing. This is not the John D. Rockefeller era. This is idea-fixing, which I think is actually even more dangerous for a democracy than price-fixing. And hiding and lurking behind the veil of it all is not just the invisible hand of the free market, as they claim, but the increasingly visible fist of big government itself, where the state, as you pointed out, is coordinating from behind the scenes, the White House is coordinating from behind the scenes on what these companies can and can't allow on the internet. What does and doesn't pass the Central Bureau of Information's test for what counts as everyday people able to consume through the internet.
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― Leon C. Megginson
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