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Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 14/4/2018 0:48

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"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 9/4/2018 16:58

De novo fora da zona de despromoção.

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 4/4/2018 21:12

De volta à zona decisiva ...

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por EAGLETRADER20 » 3/4/2018 16:30

JPM: "Buy Tesla Crash Puts" As Stock May Drop To $100"

"Tesla stock has managed to stage a modest rebound this morning after reporting that, as Elon Musk leaked previously, it had produced just over 2,000 Model 3 cars in the last week, which while still well below the company's own prior guidance of 2,500/week (which in turn was 5,000/week before that), was better than the Street's worst estimates as low as the mid-1000's.

The bounce, however, is merely a dead cat according to JPMorgan's equity derivatives strategists, who write that TSLA shares "may be unable to escape a continued sell-off as a confluence of unfortunate events may seal its fate regardless of Q1 production results."

As a result of this fatalistic view, JPMorgan is recommending clients purchase TSLA June 100 strike puts for $2.01, indicatively ($252.48 reference price), as the bank believes "the market is underpricing TSLA tail risk."

Furthermore, as JPM's Shawn Quigg adds, "a shift in sentiment in both the equity and debt markets the past two weeks may have altered the reward-risk dynamic of the stock, making any debt refinancing potentially more difficult and more expensive, particularly when considering TSLA capex guidance."

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-04- ... y-drop-100
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por SFT » 28/3/2018 23:26

Topos e fundos descendentes.

Tesla, Inc..png
Quando a esmola é muita, o pobre desconfia.
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por EAGLETRADER20 » 27/3/2018 22:13

SFT Escreveu:Why This Chief Investment Officer Thinks Tesla 'Is on the Verge of Bankruptcy'


Ui , tanto negativismo, temos que ver as coisas pelo lado positivo, pode ser amanhã faça rebound .

E qual é a previsão ? Amanhã a TSLA sobe ou desce ?

Eu como não percebo nada disto , assim já sabia o movimento para amanhã
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por SFT » 27/3/2018 22:01

Why This Chief Investment Officer Thinks Tesla 'Is on the Verge of Bankruptcy'

Quando a esmola é muita, o pobre desconfia.
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 27/3/2018 21:54

Cá está ela na zona da grande decisão. Coloquem os cintos de segurança 8-) :-k

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por SFT » 26/3/2018 20:21

Fez um duplo topo no máximo histórico.
Faz topos e fundos (ligeiramente) descendentes.
Cai mais de 20% desde o máximo histórico.
Os 280-290 vão ser importantes.
O gráfico diz.me que houve uma bear divergence entre o preço e o RSI até ao primeiro topo histórico. O segundo topo no máximo seria a entrada short.

Os 280-290 marcam a fronteira como dizes, mas os sinais já vêm de trás. Não consigo dizer.te com a certeza que já está num bear.
Quando a esmola é muita, o pobre desconfia.
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Registado: 20/5/2014 19:02

Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 26/3/2018 19:18

Mas pensas que já está em bear market?
"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por SFT » 26/3/2018 19:00

Com topos e fundos descendentes acho que a tendência decrescente já começou. Os 288 seriam, talvez, o reforço da ideia.
Quando a esmola é muita, o pobre desconfia.
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Registado: 20/5/2014 19:02

Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 26/3/2018 18:53

Se quebra em baixa a zona dos 288 podemos estar perante o inicio de um bear market.


"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por EAGLETRADER20 » 26/3/2018 18:30

"Elon Musk's comically large pay package is an expression of Tesla's love"

"It Pays to Be Loved by Tesla. Ask Elon Musk.

What's a thoughtful gift for a billionaire aficionado of rocket ships and sports cars and flamethrowers? More money. "

"What does Elon Musk's utility function look like? Yesterday Tesla Inc. shareholders approved a comically large pay package designed to keep Musk employed as Tesla's chief executive officer"

"If Musk hits all of his revenue and earnings targets over the next 10 years, and grows Tesla to be worth $650 billion, then he could make more than $50 billion from his new package. But if Musk grows Tesla to be worth $650 billion over the next 10 years -- whether or not he hits those revenue and earnings targets -- then he will make more than $130 billion just from the Tesla shares he already owns. The extra $50 billion on top of the $130 billion would be nice, I guess, but ... how? Like what will he do with it? Buy more flamethrowers?"

https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles ... ow-organic
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por EAGLETRADER20 » 26/3/2018 18:04

Tech Manias

". . I have never seen anything so absurd in my career"

"Tesla, Without Any Doubt, Is On The Verge Of Bankruptcy..."

"Or more importantly, that under Musk’s leadership, Tesla’s chronic financial incompetence has racked up more than $4.97 billion in operating losses for its shareholders.
Or that the company has been under SEC investigation (without bothering to disclose this fact to shareholders).
Yet they saw fit to reward him with the largest CEO pay package in the history of the world.
This is precisely the type of behavior that is only seen during periods of extreme irrationality when financial markets are at their peak... and poised for a serious correction.
’ll close this brief letter today quoting John Thompson, Chicago-based value investor and Chief Investment Officer of Vilas Capital Management.
Thompson is one of the few hedge fund managers who has consistently outperformed the market, and his fund is betting big against Tesla. What follows are some passages about Tesla from Thompson’s recent investor updates:

I think Tesla is going to crash in the next 3-6 months. . .

. . . partially due to their incompetence in making and delivering the Model 3, partially due to falling demand for the Model S and X, partially due to the extreme valuation, partially due to their horrendous finances that will imminently require a huge capital raise, partially due to a likely downgrade of their credit rating by Moody’s from B- to CCC (default likely) which should scare their parts suppliers into requiring cash on delivery (a death knell), partially due to the market’s recent falling appetite for risk, and partially due to our suspicions of fraudulent accounting activities, evidenced by 85 SEC letters/investigations and two top finance people leaving in the last month. . .
Tesla, without any doubt, is on the verge of bankruptcy.
The company cannot survive the next twelve months without access to capital from Wall Street Banks or private investors.
We estimate that Tesla will need roughly $8 billion in the next 18 months to fund operating losses, capital expenditures, debts coming due, and working capital needs.
However, it appears that due to past SEC investigations and current investigations (which terrifyingly have not been disclosed by the company), it will likely be difficult for Tesla to access public markets.
According to a recent analyst report, there have been 85 SEC requests for additional information and disclosures in the last 5 years.
This compares to Ford Motor Company’s total of zero over the same time frame. This means that Tesla is pushing many, many boundaries.
When a company is under formal investigation, it is difficult, if not impossible, to raise capital from public markets as these investigations must be made public, which generally craters the equity and debt values."

https://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-03- ... bankruptcy
tsla 2603.PNG
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Registado: 4/3/2008 9:17
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por Thoth » 27/2/2018 16:20

Resistência de curto prazo.

Cumprimentos e bons negócios

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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por Thoth » 22/2/2018 17:37

ricardmag Escreveu::-k

E lá vai ela...
Mais uma vez obrigado pela dica.

Cumprimentos e bons negócios
“O que está em cima é como o que está em baixo, e o que está em baixo é como o que está em cima”
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 21/2/2018 21:25

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por BearManBull » 20/2/2018 22:16

Queijo_de_Figo Escreveu: Para mim, a questão da rede de carregamento rápido é um fator decisivo. Quem comprar um carro elétrico tem muita dificuldade em abastecer o seu veículo.

Não parece é muito ecológico... Cada empresa cria a sua própria rede de distribuição? Nunca se viu em mais nenhum sector, energia, telco, banca, embora aparentem o contrário normalmente o backbone do transporte fica a cargo de 1,2 players de mercado que são altamente regulados e institucionalizados.

Sou muito céptico quanto á Teslae ao Musk, embora seja de valor o sentimento de curiosidade e inovação que gera com o grande público.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por rtavares » 20/2/2018 19:03

Comprámos Tesla. (Pronto, agora já podem apedrejar-nos todos os puristas da praça!… Pooooiiiis foooi!)

Poderíamos dizer que não foi só a parvoíce que poderia justificar esta aquisição.

Poderíamos dizer, com um certo ‘ar todo coiso’, que a entrada da gigante chinesa ‘Tencent’ em 5% do capital da Tesla era sinal de que o mercado chinês estava em aberto para a marca criada por Ellon Musk.

Poderíamos opinar sobre a confiança depositada por uma empresa com dinheiro numa empresa que já só ia tendo bom crédito… (E mesmo esse, pelo andar da carruagem…)

Poderíamos mostrar-nos confiantes nas boas perspectivas de vendas futuras, dadas as entradas de reservas de compra que têm vindo a ser feitas um pouco por todo o mundo. Parece que até algumas polícias estão interessadas na compra dos bólides americanos.

Não é que aquilo que se expressa nos parágrafos acima seja falso. Não é. Mas o que se escreve acima não pode justificar a oportunidade da compra hoje.

Prezado leitor, a compra referida tem apenas outro pilar, para além da parvoíce: o Ichimoku.

Ao contrário de muitos que se referem com ar suspeito à vingança do chinês, nós, por aqui, não dispensamos a ajuda do japonês. Não hostilizamos os asiáticos nem as suas diversas civilizações milenares. Fazemos bem, não acha, prezado leitor? Pois!

No Ichimoku horário há 3 situações muito positivas para a evolução do título:

Ver mais: https://raposotavaresbolsaemercados.wordpress.com/2018/02/20/justificando-um-tiro-na-tesla/
'Não existe empreendimento mais custoso do que querer precipitar o curso calculado do tempo. Evitemos portanto dever-lhe juros.'
in: Aforismos sobre a Sabedoria de Vida, Arthur Schopenhauer

"Se um homem tiver realmente muita fé, pode dar-se ao luxo de ser céptico."
in: Citações e Pensamentos, Friedrich Nietzsche

"O ar quando não é poluído, é condicionado."
in: Jô Soares (conhecido humorista brasileiro)

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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por ricardmag » 22/1/2018 20:27

Thoth Escreveu:Falta saber se ali aquela zona dos 290-300 aguenta esta queda.
No meu ponto de vista enquanto não quebrar em baixa esta zona não se altera nada.

Cumprimentos e bons negócios

Ai aguenta, aguenta ... :twisted: :-k

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por Queijo_de_Figo » 10/12/2017 12:31

De um modo ligeiro, como os fãs da Tesla justificam os problemas que são apontadas à empresa...

Para mim, a questão da rede de carregamento rápido é um fator decisivo. Quem comprar um carro elétrico tem muita dificuldade em abastecer o seu veículo.
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Registado: 8/1/2017 16:48

Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por Opcard » 6/12/2017 13:47

Homenagem cantada ao pai disto tudo

Nikola Tesla (English Version)

Goran Karan, Teska Industrija & Teška Industrija, Goran Karan


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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por EAGLETRADER20 » 4/12/2017 12:29

"Carmageddon For Tesla"

“Total sales in November rose 0.9% from a year ago to 1,393,010 new vehicles, according to Autodata”
“But Tesla – which lost $619 million in Q3 – delivered only 3,590 vehicles in November in the US, down 18% from a year ago.”

Tesla isn’t quite out there by itself, though. The Wall Street hype machine backs it up, dousing it with billions of dollars on a regular basis to burn through as fast as it can. This masterful hype has created a giant market capitalization of about $52 billion, more than most automakers, including Ford ($50 billion). It’s not far behind GM ($61 billion).

“One: 3,590 vehicles amounts to a market share of only 0.26%, of the 1,393,010 new cars and trucks sold in the US in November. Porsche outsold Tesla by 55% (5,555 new vehicles).”
“Two: Tesla doesn’t report monthly deliveries. It wants to play with the big boys, but it doesn’t want people to know on a monthly basis just how crummy and by comparison inconsequential its US sales numbers are. Opaque and dedicated to hype, it refuses to disclose how many vehicles it delivered that month in the US. So the industry is estimating Tesla’s monthly US sales.”
“In Q3, Tesla delivered 220 handmade Model 3’s. In October, it delivered about 145 handmade units. In November, the assembly line still wasn’t assembling cars”
“Four: This is where hype goes to die. In February 2017, Tesla hyped these Model 3 production numbers for 2017:
Our Model 3 program is on track to start limited vehicle production in July and to steadily ramp production to exceed 5,000 vehicles per week at some point in the fourth quarter and 10,000 vehicles per week at some point in 2018.
November is solidly in the fourth quarter. 5,000 vehicles per week would mean over 20,000 a month. OK, this is November and not December, so maybe 4,000 a week for a total of 16,000. We got 345.”

Serious delinquencies in subprime auto loans have reached Lehman Moment proportions. But there is no Financial Crisis. These are the boom times. Read… Auto-Loan Subprime Blows Up Lehman-Moment-Like

"Elon Musk's First Payload To Mars: His "Midnight Cherry Tesla Roadster Playing Space Oddity"

“Musk is undeniably the greatest snake oil salesman modern financial markets have ever seen, and that is why he is planning the next spectacular event before a further correction.”
“In late November, we reported on Elon Musk’s desperate attempt to boost market confidence with a shock and awe performance unveiling Tesla’s new semi-truck and roadster. While the event was a thriller, it appears the laws of physics may have finally caught up with Tesla’s stock - now in a bear-market from September highs.”
“While the practical use for a Tesla roadster on Mars is still unknown, it would buy Musk some time to keep the stock elevated for perhaps a few more secondly offerings.”
“On Friday evening, Musk tweeted what the payload of the Falcon Heavy would be— his “midnight cherry Tesla Roadster playing Space Oddity”.
But the story gets better, because the powerful Falcon Heavy rocket will launch his Tesla into the orbit around Mars. Musk added, the Tesla “will be in deep space for a billion years or so if it doesn’t blow up on ascent.”
“…explains the financial circumstances of why Musk is attempting to conduct the great show ever known to man through SpaceX, as it means the cross promotion would keep his scheme alive. In the mean time, the short theses build:
1. Negative Cash Flows
“If you can’t make money selling a $100,000 car to rich people, how are you going to make money selling a $45,000 car to normal people?” Rocker told The Times. He was referring to the upcoming mass-market Model 3. “I’m saying they’re going to lose money on every Model 3 they build and sell,” Spiegel said. Based on Tesla’s Q4 2016 earnings report, he figured the combined average selling price for non-leased Model S and X is about $104,000 and the combined average cost of building them about $82,000.

2. Competition from the Big Guys
Electric vehicles are still only a tiny fraction of total new vehicle sales in the US. Tesla sold about half of them. In March, according to Autodata, Tesla sold 4,050 vehicles in the US, similar to Porsche. All automakers combined sold 1.56 million new vehicles. This gave Tesla a market share of 0.26%. “Tesla faces a formidable set of competitors, and they’re coming in with guns blazing,” Wahlman told The Times. “Once the market is flooded with electric vehicles from manufacturers who can cross-subsidize them with profits from their conventional cars, somewhere around 2020 or 2021, Tesla will be driven into bankruptcy,” Spiegel said.

3. Tesla’s vanishing tax credits
The federal tax credit of $7,500 that EV buyers currently get is limited to 200,000 vehicles for each automaker. Once that automaker hits that point, tax credits are reduced and then phased out. Of all automakers, Tesla is closest to the 200,000 mark. Under its current production goals, the tax credits for its cars could start declining in 2018. This would give competitors, whose customers still get the full tax credit, a major advantage. About 370,000 folks put down a refundable $1,000 deposit on Tesla’s Model 3, perhaps figuring they’d get the $7,500 tax credit. But as it stands, many won’t. Rocker thinks that this is going to be an issue. The refundable deposit “commits them to nothing,” he said. Those that don’t get the tax credit may just ask for their money back and buy an EV that is still eligible for the credit.

4. The Question of patent protection
Tesla has made its patents available to all comers, thus lowering its patent protections against competitors. Also, the key part of an EV, the battery, is produced by suppliers; they, and not Tesla, own the intellectual property. This is true for all automakers. But Tesla might still be closely guarding crucial trade secrets that are not patented.

5. Musk’s distractions from his day job
Musk has a lot of irons in the fire: Tesla, SpaceX (with which he wants to build a colony on Mars or something), solar-panel installer SolarCity which Tesla bailed out last year; projects ranging from artificial intelligence to tunnel digging; venture capital activities…. “He’s all over the map, from tunneling to flights to Mars to solar roof tiles,” Rocker said. These announcements have the effect of boosting Tesla’s stock: “It’s ‘Let’s get the acolytes excited. Implant in the brain! Let’s buy Tesla stock!’”

6. Execution risk
“Investing is all about possibility and probability,” Yusko said. “Is it possible that Tesla will produce 500,000 cars in the next two or three years? Yes. Is it probable? No.” Tesla has missed many deadlines and goals, and quality problems cropped up in early production models. As Tesla is trying to make the transition to a mass-market automaker, execution risk will grow since mass-market customers are less forgiving.

7. Investor fatigue
Having lost money in every one of its 10 years of existence, Tesla asks investors regularly for more money to fill the new holes. In March, it got $1.2 billion. In May last year, it got $1.5 billion. Tesla will need many more billions to scale up production and to digest the losses. Tesla has been ingenious in this department. But when will investors get tired of it? “We’re awfully close to the point where people wake up and realize these guys are seriously diluting our equity” with new stock and convertible bond issues, Yusko said. According to The Times, Yusko “is looking for the moment when the true believers begin to lose faith.”

8. Emerging solid-state battery technology
Musk has invested a lot into his Gigafactory and technology producing lithium-ion batteries. The EV game is all about the best battery technology and a new threat has emerged using solid-state technology. If Tesla does not adopt to these new battery trends consumers would likely gravitate to EVs who posses such technology, because of the longer distance and shorter charge time.”

http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-0 ... ddon-tesla
http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2017-12-0 ... pace-oddit
tesla 2010_2017.PNG
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Registado: 4/3/2008 9:17
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Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por Thoth » 6/7/2017 16:01

Falta saber se ali aquela zona dos 290-300 aguenta esta queda.
No meu ponto de vista enquanto não quebrar em baixa esta zona não se altera nada.

Cumprimentos e bons negócios
“O que está em cima é como o que está em baixo, e o que está em baixo é como o que está em cima”
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Mensagens: 1925
Registado: 29/9/2016 16:38
Localização: Antigo Egito

Re: Nasdaq - Tesla Motors Inc (NASDAQ:TSLA)

por EAGLETRADER20 » 6/7/2017 15:46

Hoje TESLA leva mais 5% no lombo para 311 USD

É normal que a bolha começe a esvaziar , as FAANG por serem os nomes da moda foram das mais beneficiadas na alocação de ETF e fundos .

TESLA também era a acção da moda

Agora são das acções mais detidas pelos fundos , e assim que reverterem deverão ser das mais vendidas em força .
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Registado: 4/3/2008 9:17
Localização: 14


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