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Apple, o fruto mais apetecido?

Espaço dedicado a todo o tipo de troca de impressões sobre os mercados financeiros e ao que possa condicionar o desempenho dos mesmos.

por Rockerduck » 18/2/2011 13:25

É o grande calcanhar de Aquiles desta acção... a volatilidade relacionada com a saúde do Jobs.
E pela foto que o National Enquirer publica a magreza dele até assusta. Não sei se não será melhor estar de fora a ver durante umas semanas.

Hoje, no entanto, o pré-mercado já esteve nos 355 mas lá vai recuperando para os níveis de fecho de ontem.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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por mais_um » 17/2/2011 11:39

Elias Escreveu:Steve Jobs may have just 6 weeks to live, claims tabloid
17 Feb, 2011, 01.49PM IST,AGENCIES

LONDON/WASHINGTON: This could well be a rumour but a tabloid has claimed that Apple founder , Steve Jobs, is stricken with pancreatic cancer and may have just six weeks to live.

There is no official word yet from Apple on the claims made by the National Enquirer.

The National Enquirer has reportedly published new pictures of the man behind the iPod, iPhone and iPad suggesting that the things are worse than Apple would have the world believe.

The new photos apparently show Jobs looking painfully frail and weak, with his jeans and dark top hanging loosely on his 6ft 2in, rail-thin body.

Jobs weight is said to have dropped from a pre-cancer 175lb to 130lb now, according to the National Enquirer. His thinning hair is a sign of the effects of the advanced chemotherapy usually used to treat the disease claims the report in the tabloid.

The photos, which were taken on February 8, showed Jobs going for breakfast with his wife Laurene Powell before heading to the Stanford Cancer Centre in California.

"Judging from the photos, he is close to terminal. I would say he has six weeks," the Daily Mail quoted critical care physician Dr Samuel Jacobson as saying. "He is emaciated and looks to have lost a lot of muscle mass, which spells a poor prognosis," Jacobson added.

However, wire agencies also reported that President Barack Obama will meet Apple chief Steve Jobs and other US high-tech gurus on Thursday in California. Google CEO Eric Schmidt will also participate in the closed doors meeting part of an event with business leaders in Silicon Valley. This second report seemingly contradicts the claim made by the tabloid.

Em 2004 foi-lhe diagnosticado um cancro no pancreas, que supostamente estaria curado, aparentemente não estará.
"Só duas coisas são infinitas, o universo e a estupidez humana. Mas no que respeita ao universo ainda não tenho a certeza" Einstein
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por Elias » 17/2/2011 11:12

Trisquel Escreveu:Que impacto terá na cotação?

Há um mês quando ele anunciou que se retirava (temporariamente?) por razões de saúde, a cotação caiu 6% durante a noite, vindo depois a recuperar.

Hoje cai menos de 2%. A minha opinião é a de que, como é habitual nestas situações, o mercado já descontou o que tinha a descontar e até pode vir a acontecer aquela situação bizarra mas bem plausível que é a de o SJ morrer e as cotações dispararem por falta de vendedores.
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por Trisquel » 17/2/2011 10:54

AutoMech Escreveu:Saiu-lhe um dos piores

Prognosis of Pancreatic Cancer
While pancreatic cancer survival rates have been improving from decade to decade, the disease is still considered largely incurable.

Survival Rates
According to the American Cancer Society, for all stages of pancreatic cancer combined, the one-year relative survival rate is 20%, and the five-year rate is 4%. These low survival rates are attributable to the fact that fewer than 10% of patients' tumors are confined to the pancreas at the time of diagnosis; in most cases, the malignancy has already progressed to the point where surgical removal is impossible.

http://cancer.emedtv.com/pancreatic-can ... rates.html

Que impacto terá na cotação?

A divindade, o princípio e o fim, a eterna evolução, o movimento, a vibração e a perpétua aprendizagem.
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por Automech » 17/2/2011 10:49

Saiu-lhe um dos piores

Prognosis of Pancreatic Cancer
While pancreatic cancer survival rates have been improving from decade to decade, the disease is still considered largely incurable.

Survival Rates
According to the American Cancer Society, for all stages of pancreatic cancer combined, the one-year relative survival rate is 20%, and the five-year rate is 4%. These low survival rates are attributable to the fact that fewer than 10% of patients' tumors are confined to the pancreas at the time of diagnosis; in most cases, the malignancy has already progressed to the point where surgical removal is impossible.

http://cancer.emedtv.com/pancreatic-can ... rates.html
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por Elias » 17/2/2011 10:42

Steve Jobs may have just 6 weeks to live, claims tabloid
17 Feb, 2011, 01.49PM IST,AGENCIES

LONDON/WASHINGTON: This could well be a rumour but a tabloid has claimed that Apple founder , Steve Jobs, is stricken with pancreatic cancer and may have just six weeks to live.

There is no official word yet from Apple on the claims made by the National Enquirer.

The National Enquirer has reportedly published new pictures of the man behind the iPod, iPhone and iPad suggesting that the things are worse than Apple would have the world believe.

The new photos apparently show Jobs looking painfully frail and weak, with his jeans and dark top hanging loosely on his 6ft 2in, rail-thin body.

Jobs weight is said to have dropped from a pre-cancer 175lb to 130lb now, according to the National Enquirer. His thinning hair is a sign of the effects of the advanced chemotherapy usually used to treat the disease claims the report in the tabloid.

The photos, which were taken on February 8, showed Jobs going for breakfast with his wife Laurene Powell before heading to the Stanford Cancer Centre in California.

"Judging from the photos, he is close to terminal. I would say he has six weeks," the Daily Mail quoted critical care physician Dr Samuel Jacobson as saying. "He is emaciated and looks to have lost a lot of muscle mass, which spells a poor prognosis," Jacobson added.

However, wire agencies also reported that President Barack Obama will meet Apple chief Steve Jobs and other US high-tech gurus on Thursday in California. Google CEO Eric Schmidt will also participate in the closed doors meeting part of an event with business leaders in Silicon Valley. This second report seemingly contradicts the claim made by the tabloid.
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por atomez » 17/2/2011 0:58

Hoje... novo máximo histórico. Mas até isso já começa a ser banal...

Ainda tem espaço para subidas nos próximos dias (RSI < 80) mas depois deverá retrair aí até aos 346 , a mais recente resistência que agora deverá funcionar como suporte, ou RSI nos 50, whatever comes first.

Essa será a altura para entradas longas.
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As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
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por jarc » 17/2/2011 0:41

Os gráficos apontam para cima e o banco mantém o preço alvo em 450, mas a estes níveis meter lá a cabeça pode ser uma dor de cabeça para uns meses.
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por Rockerduck » 17/2/2011 0:23

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) Stock Accumulates Bullish Momentum

Posted on 16 February 2011. This article was written by: Sam Fallen

Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock accumulates bullish momentum coupled with sound technical support leaving traders to witness continual all-time highs
Apple Inc. (NASDAQ:AAPL) stock persists on gaining steam and bullish momentum after having a brief scare with the 50 SMA on a couple different occasions during January trading.  Aside from a new high being posted for two consecutive days now being evidence that AAPL is gaining more ground, shares have not yielded to closing under the 10 SMA for 24 trading weeks in a row (on the weekly chart,) and 12 days on the daily.
Technical factors with AAPL are becoming increasingly strong, with none of the mainstream, generally respected ones showing any sign of letting up on positive bias.  Street estimates have the company pegged for a heightened volume of laptop shipments while Bank of America has a standing target price on AAPL at a lofty $450 per share.  At the moment, it seems that no wrong can be done -  yet shareholders would rather nobody mention anything about Jobs coming down with a common cold as it is nearly guaranteed to have AAPL retrace.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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por atomez » 16/2/2011 2:36

Uma máquina de fazer dinheiro...

Apple demands 30% slice of subscriptions

Updated rules to broaden controls over commerce via iPad and iPhone

Apple is dictating tougher terms of commerce on its wildly successful mobile devices, demanding a 30 per cent cut of all subscriber content sold directly through its iPads and iPhones.

The new rules, which apply internationally, say that if publishers offer digital subscriptions they must make the same offer through the App Store. Publishers can still offer subscriptions through their own websites, but cannot link to the website from their app.

The change, which publishers expect will send more subscribers through Apple’s digital content store, will probably affect the revenues that content owners earn from the surging tablet and smartphone market, as Apple will take 30 per cent of any payments it processes.

“It offers some opportunities for publishers, but they shouldn’t get too excited too quickly,” said Ned May, lead analyst at Outsell. “Apple wants to make money off of content, not just devices, and publishers are facing a shrinking pool.”

Steve Jobs, Apple’s chief executive, who has remained involved in Apple’s activities in spite of being on medical leave , said that the policy would allow publishers “to expand digital access to their content”.

“Our philosophy is simple: when Apple brings a new subscriber to the app, Apple earns a 30 per cent share; when the publisher brings an existing or new subscriber to the app, the publisher keeps 100 per cent and Apple earns nothing,” Mr Jobs said.

News and magazine publishers had pushed for a subscription service, and for clarity about its rules, but the expansion of the subscription offer to video and music had not been expected. Publishers have been concerned that Apple will end up controlling the billing relationship with their customers, depriving them of valuable data.

On Tuesday, Apple made a partial concession, saying users who subscribe through the App Store could also offer their personal information to publishers

“It is clear some of this has been coming to a head,” said Mr May. “I don’t think this is going to end the tension here.”
As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
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por rsacramento » 15/2/2011 22:01

Atomez Escreveu:A minha pequena estratégia na AAPL e que tem dado bons resultados, é assim:(...)

e eu convencido de que a cavalgavas desde a mais tenra idade :shock:
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por atomez » 15/2/2011 21:51

A minha pequena estratégia na AAPL e que tem dado bons resultados, é assim:

-- entrada longa quando o RSI está nos 50
-- saída com o RSI nos 80
-- entrada curta com o RSI nos 80
-- saída com o RSI nos 50

É claro que agora que a divulguei... vai deixar de funcionar! :twisted:
AAPL15022011.PNG (22.7 KiB) Visualizado 12742 vezes
Editado pela última vez por atomez em 16/2/2011 5:16, num total de 1 vez.
As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
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por MIGUELV73 » 15/2/2011 21:35

Sim está um pouco afastada cerca de 5%!

Vamos ver!
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por Ricardostc » 15/2/2011 21:25

Se pretendes investir , tenta fazer mais proximo da LTA , deixa arrefecer um pouco mais .

MIGUELV73 Escreveu:Apesar do RSI estar um pouco esticado ela lá vai subindo!

Ainda é de entrar?
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por MIGUELV73 » 15/2/2011 21:09

Apesar do RSI estar um pouco esticado ela lá vai subindo!

Ainda é de entrar?
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por Zezezinho » 15/2/2011 19:19

Cada vez que olho para esta cotada até me passo !

Há uns anos atrás, tive a possibilidade de entrar por volta dos 10$ e não tive coragem de o fazer :?
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por Rockerduck » 15/2/2011 19:13

Atomez Escreveu:

Mas mesmo que seja apenas um rumor deliberadamente "largado" pela Apple, so what?

nothing what... foi só divulgar, não questionei o facto.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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por atomez » 15/2/2011 15:56

Rockerduck Escreveu:
Atomez Escreveu:A Apple prepara-se para lançar novos iPhones, iPads e serviços para entrar em novos segmentos de mercado.

Segundo o Blog do iPhone esse será mais um dos rumores que a Apple sabe gerir tão bem de forma a conseguir relevância e "sound bytes" em eventos onde não marca presença como o que está a decorrer esta semana em Barcelona, o Mobile World Congress (MWC), evento onde vários fabricantes estão lançando novidades na área de smartphones e tablets.

É possível que seja só um rumor (pessoalmente acredito que seja verdade, é precisamente o caminho percorrido com o iPod, à medida que a concorrência aparecia foram lançando modelos mais pequenos e mais baratos).

Mas mesmo que seja apenas um rumor deliberadamente "largado" pela Apple, so what?

Pelos vistos sabem gerir bem a coisa e resulta! As ações estão quase todos os dias a bater máximos históricos e, francamente, isso é que me interessa.
As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
Niccolò Machiavelli
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por Rockerduck » 15/2/2011 13:11

Atomez Escreveu:A Apple prepara-se para lançar novos iPhones, iPads e serviços para entrar em novos segmentos de mercado.

Segundo o Blog do iPhone esse será mais um dos rumores que a Apple sabe gerir tão bem de forma a conseguir relevância e "sound bytes" em eventos onde não marca presença como o que está a decorrer esta semana em Barcelona, o Mobile World Congress (MWC), evento onde vários fabricantes estão lançando novidades na área de smartphones e tablets.

Eles opinam e explanam porque esta notícia do iPhone nano será um rumor infundado:

São dois os grandes motivos para a Apple não adotar um modelo menor de aparelho, por mais que os pseudo-especialistas insistam de que isso faça sentido.

Primeiro: tamanho de telas diferentes complicam a vida dos desenvolvedores. Um dos pontos fortes da Apple hoje (e que até a Nokia inveja) é sua base de desenvolvedores, que criam diariamente novos aplicativos para os iGadgets. O padrão estabelecido pelo sistema é o que torna a plataforma uniforme e segura, e fragmentar os aparelhos seria ir de encontro ao que o próprio Steve Jobs prega e que até Tim Cook já afirmou. Será que os jornalistas esqueceram isso ou há alguma intenção desconhecida para divulgar uma “notícia” dessas, sem nenhuma evidência concreta?

O segundo grande motivo que faz com que a Apple não precise se preocupar ainda com a concorrência é que ela possui atualmente um problema muito maior: não consegue fabricar aparelhos suficientes para suprir a demanda. Se não há nem iPhone 4 o bastante para todos que querem comprar, por que raios ela iria inventar moda com um novo aparelho, ainda mais barato? A Apple é a empresa que mais fatura no setor de telefonia não é por acaso: seu alvo são produtos de valor mais elevado. Por isso, um iPhone mini agora não tem o menor sentido.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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por atomez » 15/2/2011 1:17

A Apple prepara-se para lançar novos iPhones, iPads e serviços para entrar em novos segmentos de mercado.

Apple Develops Less-Expensive iPhones

Apple Inc. is working on the first of a new line of less-expensive iPhones and an overhaul of software services for the devices, people familiar with the matter said, moving to accelerate sales of its smartphones amid growing competition.

One of the people, who saw a prototype of the phone late last year, said it is intended for sale alongside Apple's existing line. The new device would be about half the size of the iPhone 4, which is the current model.

The new phone—one of its code names is N97—would be available to carriers at about half the price of the main iPhones. That would allow carriers to subsidize most or all of the retail price, putting the iPhone in the same mass-market price range as rival smartphones, the person said. Apple currently sells iPhones to carriers for $625 each on average. With carrier subsidies, consumers can buy iPhones for as little as $199 with a two-year contract.

Apple also is exploring a major revamp of its MobileMe online storage service, the people familiar with the matter said. The service, which lets users store data in a central location and synchronize their calendars and contacts among computers and other devices, currently has an individual annual subscription fee of $99. Apple is considering making MobileMe a free service that would serve as a "locker" for personal memorabilia such as photos, music and videos, eliminating the need for devices to carry a lot of memory, the people familiar with the situation said.

MobileMe, part of an industry wave known as cloud computing, also could become a focal point for a new online music service that Apple has been developing for more than a year, the people said. Social networking would be another key component, one of the people said.

MobileMe and the new line of iPhones are among the top priorities of Apple Chief Executive Steve Jobs, one of the people said. Though Mr. Jobs, 55 years old, went on medical leave for an undisclosed health issue last month, he has been closely involved in the development efforts, the person said.

The new line of iPhones and the revamped MobileMe are intended for release this summer, though those plans could change, the person said.

Um dado espantoso sobre a Apple -- tem apenas 4% de market share em nº de unidades nos telemóveis mas tem 50% dos lucros do sector!
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As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
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por atomez » 11/2/2011 1:05

De facto algo estranho se passou...

Uma queda brusca com um volume de mais de 5 milhões em poucos minutos?

Hoje à tarde até pensei -- será que o Steve Jobs morreu? Felizmente que não.

Mas esse volume desencadeou a recuperação... até sugere que "alguém" criou artificialmente a queda para se encher a um preço mais baixo...

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As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
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por Rockerduck » 11/2/2011 0:43

http://mobile.itworld.com/device/articl ... lash-crash

What was behind Thursday's Apple stock flash crash?
Shares hit by huge selloff in early afternoon before reboundingFebruary 10, 2011, 06:27 PM — 
First, the facts. Then some perspective. Finally, we'll get to the speculation.

Shares of Apple (NASDAQ: AAPL) experienced a sudden selloff shortly after 1:30 p.m. Thursday, dropping shares to $348 from $355. Volume spiked during the flash selloff, as you can see from the chart below:

EDGAR Online
By the time the final trading bell rang, Apple was at 354.54, down 3.62, or 1.01 percent, from Wednesday's close of 358.16. Volume for the day was 33.1 million shares, nearly twice the volume of any other day in February.

(Also see: The Verizon iPhone - where are the lines of customers?)

Perspective: The spike only dropped shares 2 percent, hardly a cause for alarm. Indeed, Cisco Systems (NASDAQ: CSCO) shareholders would have killed for a loss like that today. Instead Cisco lost more than 14 percent of its value, thanks to a weak sales forecast and shrinking margins.

Also, while the volume of Apple shares bought and sold was nearly double any other day this month, it's not unprecedented. On Jan. 18, the day after chief executive Steve Jobs announced he was taking an indefinite medical leave of absence, 66 million shares were traded, and another 40.5 million moved the day after. Granted, that was extraordinary news. But Apple shares easily do more volume than they did Thursday during the run-up to and on the days after the company reports earnings.

Finally, in terms of perspective, Apple also hit an all-time high Thursday of $360 per share.

Now, for speculation: What caused the Apple flash crash of Feb. 10, 2011? Could it have been the news that lines outside Verizon stores for Apple's iPhone 4 -- on sale to the general public for the first time Thursday -- were disappointingly small? Maybe, but that strikes me as awfully reactive of investors. The early afternoon selloff was sharp and hard, as if someone had suddenly yelled "Fire!" in a building.

Fortune's Philip Elmer-DeWitt quotes an analyst who discounts this theory:

"The selling is not normal just for negative news," wrote Bullish Cross' Andy Zaky in an e-mail. "There was a huge spike where dollars were being skipped in the selling. I saw Apple tick from $351.70 to $349.00 within seconds. There's something else. The selling was not normal. That's for sure."

DeWitt then cites an article on Stock Tick Tock, which reported that rumors were floating around Yahoo message boards and Twitter that Jobs was in the hospital. Apparently he's not.

Were Apple shares temporarily gamed by shorts? It's beginning to look like it. If so, floating a nasty rumor about a guy with seemingly serious health problems just to make a windfall profit in the market is a pretty sleazy thing to do. Money does strange things to people.

"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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por atomez » 7/2/2011 17:26

No intraday chegou aos $352.85 que parecem ser a nova resistência no curto prazo.
As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
Niccolò Machiavelli
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por Rockerduck » 7/2/2011 16:27

De referir que hoje a Apple quebrou máximos históricos e o numero redondo dos 350 dólares e assim estará sem resistências à frente.
"Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work." Thomas Edison
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por atomez » 7/2/2011 2:34

Wall Street Journal Escreveu:Apple's products are rapidly gaining traction in the business world.

Could the reign of the BlackBerry as the City's smartphone of choice be coming to an end?
Last month, two Deutsche Bank analysts released a report praising Apple's corporate email services, following a two-month trial in which they swapped their BlackBerry handsets for iPhones.

Now UBS has confirmed that more than 1,000 staff members are taking part in a pilot program that allows them to access company emails, calendars and contacts using a secure application for the iPhone and iPad.

A spokesman for UBS said employees across the bank's divisions had been testing the app since it was launched last year, although the bank stressed it was for use on personal handsets and it doesn't offer Apple devices to its staff.

Despite being better known for entertaining distractions like music or the popular Angry Birds game, Apple's products are rapidly gaining traction in the business world.

Last week Deutsche Bank technology analysts Chris Whitmore and Joakim Mahlberg sent out a research note comparing BlackBerry and iPhone functions for business users.

In the report, Mr. Whitmore, who has a history of tipping Apple stock, said the iPhone was better able to combine personal and corporate use, while its ability to access multiple apps, such as Bloomberg's, was a selling point.

He concluded: "After testing corporate email on iPhone for the past few months, there is no going back. We expect a lot of users will feel the same way when iPhones are offered at their workplaces."

The Deutsche analysts were using the Enterprise email system, which they say is: "served using Microsoft Exchange through a Good Technologies interface which looks and feels like accessing a Gmail account on the iPhone."

They "found Enterprise email on iPhone was a fantastic experience as it was easy/faster to access data [with a touch user interface] than on the BlackBerry."

A spokesman for Deutsche said the report was the opinion of analysts testing new technology rather than firm policy; however it will be further cause for concern for BlackBerry makers Research in Motion.

Commenting on its own program, UBS group's Chief Information Officer Michele Trogni told The Wall Street Journal: "Employees have reacted very positively to this pilot and the bank is now testing many further applications on Apple and other mobile devices that will drive productivity for our staff and clients."

Meanwhile Eversheds, a U.K. top-10 law firm, launched a trial last year in which it offered free iPads to 50 staff members. Eversheds' chief information officer Paul Caris described it as a "phenomenal success" and has now procured an additional 250 to give to employees; even the firm's managing partner Lee Ranson uses one.

The iPads are used alongside, rather than instead of, corporate phones, usually as an alternative to a laptop, and staff are free to use them for personal as well as business applications. Mr. Caris says this is a key factor in their success, adding: "How many people actually enjoy the experience of accessing corporate systems?"

In terms of business phones, the firm allows staff to choose whether they would like to use a BlackBerry, iPhone or rival models made by Google or Microsoft.

And in November last year it emerged JP Morgan was distributing free iPads to associates in its investment-banking division.

A leaked email said the pilot program would last until May, when the bank would decide whether or not to extend it, it was reported.

"We believe there are real benefits in our working environment that can be realized using this device—as well as the personal productivity and enjoyment that come as part of the package," the email said. JP Morgan, however, declined to comment.

Last year Standard Chartered became the first major bank to officially switch to Apple, offering iPhones to 15,000 of its employees.

Research in Motion has responded by launching a tablet device of its own, due for release this year. The firm also declined to comment.
As pessoas são tão ingénuas e tão agarradas aos seus interesses imediatos que um vigarista hábil consegue sempre que um grande número delas se deixe enganar.
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