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Antóniomanuel Trading

Espaço dedicado a todo o tipo de troca de impressões sobre os mercados financeiros e ao que possa condicionar o desempenho dos mesmos.

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por trend=friend » 3/9/2014 9:02

Eu também gosto dela :wink: Movimentos como esse no gráfico semanal são excelentes.

Eu fiquei então com a ideia que a tua estratégia era mais a de aproveitar potenciais movimentos diários ou semanais (bastante curto prazo/curto prazo). Se assim fosse, a Mota para mim seria dos piores activos para o fazer; já se tiveres uma perspectiva plurimensal ou até mesmo anual, a Mota é fantástica (neste horizonte, as chicotadas que limpam os stops são mero ruído...)
If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
Clint Eastwood
Mensagens: 4032
Registado: 27/8/2013 19:39

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 3/9/2014 8:47

trend=friend Escreveu:António,

Penso que uma das questões poderá estar na selecção dos activos. Por exemplo, a Mota não se presta muito, daquilo que tenho observado nos últimos anos, a situações de trading de curto prazo (em entradas longas ou curtas, é indiferente...). Por isso já reconheci no tópico da Mota alguns excelentes trades desta natureza que o Adam fez, porque são, de facto, muito difíceis. As chicotadas que a Mota dá tornam-na mais propensa a posições que duram vários meses, e a nervos de aço.

Não será, por exemplo, o BCP um activo mais propício a trades diários ou semanais? É mais técnico, tem mais volume, é menos explosivo (e quando o é, quase que toca a sirene antes de partir)...

Um abraço

Não concordo muito contigo, gosto da Mota, tem uma volatilidade que me agrada, olha esta valorização que teve neste Gráfico Semanal, quem realmente percebe profundamente disto pode ter apanhado pelo menos uma boa parte
mota semanal.png
Gráfico Semanal
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por trend=friend » 3/9/2014 8:36


Penso que uma das questões poderá estar na selecção dos activos. Por exemplo, a Mota não se presta muito, daquilo que tenho observado nos últimos anos, a situações de trading de curto prazo (em entradas longas ou curtas, é indiferente...). Por isso já reconheci no tópico da Mota alguns excelentes trades desta natureza que o Adam fez, porque são, de facto, muito difíceis. As chicotadas que a Mota dá tornam-na mais propensa a posições que duram vários meses, e a nervos de aço.

Não será, por exemplo, o BCP um activo mais propício a trades diários ou semanais? É mais técnico, tem mais volume, é menos explosivo (e quando o é, quase que toca a sirene antes de partir)...

Um abraço
If you want a guarantee, buy a toaster.
Clint Eastwood
Mensagens: 4032
Registado: 27/8/2013 19:39

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 3/9/2014 8:34

Artista Romeno Escreveu:
AntónioManuel Escreveu:"Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth." - Bruce Lee

boa noite,
espero que nao leves isto a mal, mas acho que não foste derrotado, a não ser que tenhas alavancado em excesso, ninguem é derrotado em tão curto espaço de tempo, nem vencedor, agora eu ao ler este topico sempre fiquei intrigado com isto "Re: Antóniomanuel Trading
Mensagempor AntónioManuel » 4/8/2014 21:14

Vou aqui postar os meus objectivos mensais, eu sei que é difícil mas a minha meta é fazer de forma consistente entre 5 a 10% ao Mês"

questiono tu tens noção por quantas x te propunhas bater por exemplo o S&P500, ora eu apesar de assumidamente nao investir como tu, questiono se a primeira coisa em que eventualmente deverias refletir nao é ter posto uma fasquia, que num ano, era tão só algumas 10x acima do rendimento do S&P anualizado desde 2004; há fundos alguns com recurso a derivados que podem dar num ano vá 50% 60%, num ano extraordinário, geridos por profissionais bem pagos e com experiencia, daí questiono, se ainda recentemente nao estarias a meter a fasquia do salto em altura a 10 metros e :?: quem diz esses diz aqueles que possuem sistemas automáticos de trading com resultados públicos aqui mesmo
o que acho e que tens que continuar, aprender com os erros e ver se o método é adequado, agora dizer derrota ao final de tao pouco tempo, nao entendo...

vitorias e derrotas toda a gente as tem, há marriots, bcps esticados, mas também há adidas, e há erros que dá para sair deles a ganhar do género entrar longo no bpi em pleno bes :idea: e há stops e é para isso que eles servem
p.s nunca tentei na carteira por mim gerida, fazer todos os negócios com alvo anual desse tipo, nem quero esse risco, mas resumindo, acho que estableces-te uma meta forte demais, no entanto acho que por perderes meia duzia de negocios, isso nunca poderá ser uma "defeat", deverá isso sim ser uma aprendizagem

OLá Artista Romeno, Talvez a frase tenha levado a uma interpretação errada, para mim significa o que escreveste nesta ultima frase, quanto á minha meta entre 5 a 10% mês é muito difícil, mas há quem o esteja a fazer, não é para qualquer um, mas eu acredito que tenho condições para alcançar essa meta, gosto disto, a cada negocio com lucro ou perda vou melhorando, e penso que é uma questão de tempo, não estou ansioso se vai levar um ano ou dez, simplesmente acredito e sinto que vou chegar lá.
Editado pela última vez por AntónioManuel em 3/9/2014 8:39, num total de 1 vez.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por Artista Romeno » 3/9/2014 4:08

MMarcus Escreveu:Boa noite ao fórum. Não creio que valorizações dessa ordem sejam assim tão descabidas sendo claro que uma estratégia que procure resultados dessa ordem de grandeza necessitem de mais risco alocado. Um risco maior que uma estratégia dessas requer é certamente desapropriada para clientes de "retalho" e daí não serem procuradas por casas de investimento de um modo geral, ou seja, dificilmente comercializáveis. Penso que a chave é dominar o Risk/Reward mantendo a primeira parte do rácio com a menor "rédia" possível. Pensar em termos de R/R é a meu ver essêncial. Apenas a titulo de exemplo, fiz no passado mês cerca de 14R em negócios fechados. Se pensarmos que dependendo do estômago de cada um, se poderá alocar entre 1% a 4% do capital por cada trade (ou seja, por cada R) teriamos entre 14% e 56% no passado mês. Existem Seykotas, Marty Schwarz devido a aplicarem estratégias apropriadas ao seus níveis de risco e não devido ao benchmark vendido ao comum investidor (fundos de retalho, topo ES Liquidez etc...). Pessoalmente acho que é possivel, desde que se tenha a estratégia adequada e se suporte-se o nivel de risco.


1- poder fazer uma valorização ainda maior que essa :?: , posso é so alavancar o trade certo e já está, mas isso é praticavel no longo prazo... a minha resposta e não é, e peço desculpa por citar algo alheio, mas este comentario do colega de forum cem é o melhor para explicar isto que digohttp://caldeiraodebolsa.jornaldenegocios.pt/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=83024&start=150( 3º comentário, é claramente dos melhores post que encontrei aqui ate hoje) é que ter 50 ou 60% num ano isso é claramente possivel e sem grande alavancagem , basta usar alguns derivados e está, agora de modo consistente é que já se duvida, porque vai haver um drawdawn qualquer que arrebenta contigo todo, é que alavancado dá mais para os 2 lados e as existem eventos surpreendentes e imprevisiveis
2- existem gurus, claro que existem, mas por isso é que eles são uma raridade uma infimidade, a generalidade dos mortais infelizmente não o é, e ao tomar decisões como se fosse eles pode incorrer em borrada.... por cada wizard, quantos putativos desastrados existem
bottom lineUma coisa é ganhar 1 mes 6 meses 1 ano, outra é ganhar 10 ou 20 ,e quando vier o cisne negro como é?, esse post do cem devia ser de leitura obrigatoria
3- assumo que onde dizes topo es liquidez, querias dizer tipo es liquidez,... vejo que nao dominas fundos( nao faz mal que eu de AT percebo o basico), nem tem problema, es liquidez e primos para mim é bull sh*t..... e não representa nada de nada :shock: ( off topic)
4- qual é o nivel de risco apropriado,? será mesmo esse tal alto? remeto para o cem novamente.....
5- tal como um carro, quando passa o conta rotações do vermelho, as vezes o sistema pode cortar a gasolina :oh: :wink:
As opiniões expressas baseiam-se essencialmente em análise fundamental, e na relação entre o valor de mercado dos ativos e as suas perspectivas futuras de negocio, como tal traduzem uma interpretação pessoal da realidade,devendo como tal apenas serem consideradas como uma perspetiva meramente informativa sobre os ativos em questão, não se constituindo como sugestões firmes de investimento
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Registado: 4/4/2014 18:06
Localização: Iberia

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por MMarcus » 3/9/2014 3:45

Boa noite ao fórum. Não creio que valorizações dessa ordem sejam assim tão descabidas sendo claro que uma estratégia que procure resultados dessa ordem de grandeza necessitem de mais risco alocado. O risco maior que uma estratégia dessas requer é certamente desapropriada para clientes de "retalho" e daí não serem procuradas por casas de investimento de um modo geral, ou seja, dificilmente comercializáveis. Penso que a chave é dominar o Risk/Reward mantendo a primeira parte do rácio com a menor "rédia" possível. Pensar em termos de R/R é a meu ver essêncial. Apenas a titulo de exemplo, fiz no passado mês cerca de 14R em negócios fechados. Se pensarmos que dependendo do estômago de cada um, se poderá alocar entre 1% a 4% do capital por cada trade (ou seja, por cada R) teriamos entre 14% e 56% no passado mês. Existem Seykotas, Marty Schwarz devido a aplicarem estratégias apropriadas ao seus níveis de risco e não devido ao benchmark vendido ao comum investidor (fundos de retalho, tipo ES Liquidez etc...). Pessoalmente acho que é possivel, desde que se tenha a estratégia adequada e se suporte-se o nivel de risco.

Editado pela última vez por MMarcus em 3/9/2014 6:39, num total de 1 vez.
Qualquer post meu no fórum é uma mera opinião pessoal para possivel debate de ideias e nunca uma recomendação de compra ou venda de qualquer tipo.
Mensagens: 109
Registado: 6/7/2014 11:21

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por Artista Romeno » 3/9/2014 1:52

AntónioManuel Escreveu:"Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth." - Bruce Lee

boa noite,
espero que nao leves isto a mal, mas acho que não foste derrotado, a não ser que tenhas alavancado em excesso, ninguem é derrotado em tão curto espaço de tempo, nem vencedor, agora eu ao ler este topico sempre fiquei intrigado com isto "Re: Antóniomanuel Trading
Mensagempor AntónioManuel » 4/8/2014 21:14

Vou aqui postar os meus objectivos mensais, eu sei que é difícil mas a minha meta é fazer de forma consistente entre 5 a 10% ao Mês"

questiono tu tens noção por quantas x te propunhas bater por exemplo o S&P500, ora eu apesar de assumidamente nao investir como tu, questiono se a primeira coisa em que eventualmente deverias refletir nao é ter posto uma fasquia, que num ano, era tão só algumas 10x acima do rendimento do S&P anualizado desde 2004; há fundos alguns com recurso a derivados que podem dar num ano vá 50% 60%, num ano extraordinário, geridos por profissionais bem pagos e com experiencia, daí questiono, se ainda recentemente nao estarias a meter a fasquia do salto em altura a 10 metros e :?: quem diz esses diz aqueles que possuem sistemas automáticos de trading com resultados públicos aqui mesmo
o que acho e que tens que continuar, aprender com os erros e ver se o método é adequado, agora dizer derrota ao final de tao pouco tempo, nao entendo...

vitorias e derrotas toda a gente as tem, há marriots, bcps esticados, mas também há adidas, e há erros que dá para sair deles a ganhar do género entrar longo no bpi em pleno bes :idea: e há stops e é para isso que eles servem
p.s nunca tentei na carteira por mim gerida, fazer todos os negócios com alvo anual desse tipo, nem quero esse risco, mas resumindo, acho que estableces-te uma meta forte demais, no entanto acho que por perderes meia duzia de negocios, isso nunca poderá ser uma "defeat", deverá isso sim ser uma aprendizagem
as rentabilidades 2014 a 2013 anualizado
BPI.png (53.97 KiB) Visualizado 6858 vezes
As opiniões expressas baseiam-se essencialmente em análise fundamental, e na relação entre o valor de mercado dos ativos e as suas perspectivas futuras de negocio, como tal traduzem uma interpretação pessoal da realidade,devendo como tal apenas serem consideradas como uma perspetiva meramente informativa sobre os ativos em questão, não se constituindo como sugestões firmes de investimento
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Mensagens: 5386
Registado: 4/4/2014 18:06
Localização: Iberia

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 2/9/2014 22:06

"Defeat simply tells me that something is wrong in my doing; it is a path leading to success and truth." - Bruce Lee
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 2/9/2014 21:57

The Three Keys That Unlock Trading Success
Author: Stephen Burns
If you want to be a winner trading in the long run there are THREE elements of trading that you must have in place. If you do these three things you can not lose in the long term, if you are missing one you will likely not last very long as an active trader. These three simple things work together to keep you profitable in the markets.
A Robust Methodology
#1 You must trade a WINNING trading method: Your trading system must be valid and profitable through past markets. The best way to win in the markets is to have a method that identifies potential trends and gives you entries and exits that put the probabilities on your side for winning trades. Many times these systems will have huge winners that pay for all the small losses and make you profitable. Regardless of time frame the primary thing all traders are in search of for profitability is trend capture. The key is to go through historical price data and see how your method would have performed in different types of past markets, bull, bear, and sideways. Along with some outlier times like October 1987 and the Fall of 2008. A winning system either has to have a few wins so big that it pays for all the small losses or a very large winning percentage that keeps the few losses from getting out of hand. Find your edge and learn how to make it a profitable one. If you have no edge and no winning system your trading account will be eaten away bit by bit. The market has an edge over you, it is counter intuitive and slippage and commission are drooling to start chewing on your account.
Risk Management
#2 You must manage RISK: Even with a winning system betting too big on one single trade can ruin you quickly when not if it goes wrong. Betting even 10% or more of your capital on any one trade can ruin your account with 5 straight losses. To really succeed you have to lower your risk to no more than 1% of total trading capital, this does not mean to trade with 1% of your capital or with a 1% drop of your asset that would be foolish it means to set stop losses and position size carefully so that if you are wrong you will only lose 1% of your account. Even if a real disaster happens and your stops are gapped through you may still only lose 2%. This is how traders survive for the long term through losing periods. A $50,000 account=$500 maximum loss per trade. Many traders use 2% risk of trading capital per trade but they need higher win percentages are will suffer from bigger draw downs. The reason that risk management is so important is that with a high enough risk of capital per trade you eventually end up with a 100% chance of ruin at some point through a unexpected low probability event that causes an out sized move or a string of losses in a very volatile trading environment that were unexpected. The key is the trader must get from their first trade safely through to the returns they are looking for with out going to zero capital before they get there. Many professional money managers, firms, and traders learn this lesson the hard way. With out the proper risk management traders eventually end up with an account of $0 or worse they owe their brokers money.
#3 You have to have the right MIND SET. To win in trading you must have faith in yourself, your system, and your method. If you are a trend follower you must believe that trend following is the most profitable way to trade, you must believe that your system is a winner because of the back testing you have done on price history or charts based on your rules. You must have faith in yourself to do the right things and remain disciplined. If you lose money you must understand that it is just part of the game and that you will make it back eventually. Only stress management, perseverance, faith, hope, passion, and a goal orientation can really take a trader from the trading starting line to successful trading. Trading just for the money doesn’t work, because they first five years the money is not worth it in almost all instances and the new trader quits.
If you have these three things, nothing can stop you, if you are missing any of these three things nothing can help you.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 2/9/2014 21:19

Stopado na Mota
mota fecho.png
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 1/9/2014 9:19

Curto na Mota
mota curto.png
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 29/8/2014 8:15

Fecho da posição longa na PT
portugal fecho.png
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 27/8/2014 14:25

Abertura de posição longa na PT
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 24/8/2014 18:59

Mark Minervini's Official Blog
Stock Market Wizard, U.S. Investing Champion Mark Minervini Shares Ideas and Wisdom Here FREE!

If You’re Not Feeling Stupid, You’re Not Managing Risk
July 14, 2014
Return to Blog Home Page

Sometimes after you sell a stock to cut short a loss, the stock will turn around and move up in price. This has happened to me thousands of times. Do I feel dumb or get angry? No. Investing and trading stocks is a business of playing probabilities so that the profit from winners outweighs the losses over time.

It is completely unrealistic to think you’re going to be right all the time or think that you can hold losses and they will never leave you broke. Making you feel stupid is the market’s way of pressuring you to act foolish. Don’t succumb. Remain disciplined and cut your losses. The alternative to managing risk is not managing risk, and that never turns out well. This concept should be obvious, but in fact it is too often overlooked.

Although it’s certainly not a secret (it’s the most frequently mentioned subject in most books written by successful speculators), it’s difficult to do because it goes against human nature and requires strict discipline and a divorce from one’s ego.

I can’t make you cut your losses any more than I can make you diet and exercise to lose weight; that’s a personal choice. All I can do is share with you what I know from my own success and tell you that the stock market is no place for someone who is easily discouraged by mistakes. Mistakes are lessons, in other words, opportunities to improve. These experiences are the greatest part of the learning process.

Although cutting your losses won’t guarantee that you will win in the stock market, it will help ensure your survival.

Why Most Investors Fail to Cut Their Losses

Investors usually become emotionally attached to their stock holdings. They may put in many hours of careful research building a case for a company, scouring financial reports, and maybe even trying the company’s products. Then, when their proud pick takes a dive, they can’t believe it. They make excuses for the stock’s decline; they call their broker and search the Internet looking for favorable opinions to back up their faith in the company. They ignore the only opinion that counts: the verdict of the market.

As the stock keeps sliding, their losses mount. Usually, what happens is that the stock’s decline becomes so huge and unbearable that they finally throw in the towel and feel completely demoralized. Don’t allow yourself to get caught in this lethal trap.
To have lasting success in the stock market, you must decide once and for all that it’s more important to make money than to be right. Your ego must take a backseat. Sounds like a simple decision to make, but think again. Many people speculate in stocks without getting this one straight. Their self-image rides on the success or failure of their trades. As a result, they make excuses for obvious losers rather than admit mistakes.

Ultimately, the success of cutting losses rests on your ability to remove emotion—hope, fear, pride, excitement, and the like—from your investment decisions, at least to the point where it doesn’t override good judgment.

Most investors fall into psychological traps. Feelings of hope and greed confuse their decisions to sell their stock holdings at a loss or, for that matter, at a profit. They find it difficult to sell, and so they rationalize a losing position. They convince themselves that they haven’t taken the loss until they sell it.

Losses are a part of trading and investing; if you are not prepared to deal with them, then prepare to eventually lose a lot of money. In trading and in life, how you deal with losing is the difference between mediocrity and greatness. Individual stocks are not like mutual funds, they don’t have a manager and they don’t manage themselves; you’re the manager. When investing in stocks, everything is not necessarily going to be “OK” if you just hang in there and wait it out.

For a speculator, small losses are simply the cost of doing business, just as marked-down merchandise is to a retail store operator. A good retail merchant doesn’t hang on to dead merchandise, hoping a particular style or product will come back in vogue a year later. If he’s smart, he marks it down, gets it off the shelf as quickly as possible, and then looks to restock the shelves with something that everyone wants to buy.

Excerpt from Trade Like A Stock Market Wizard by Mark Minervini (McGraw Hill Publishing –2012)
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 24/8/2014 17:07

A New Trader’s Guide to Managing Emotions

Author: Stephen Burns

The hardest thing about trading is not the math, the method, or picking the right stock, currency, commodity, or futures contract. The most difficult thing about trading is dealing with the emotions that arise with trading itself. From the stress of actually entering a trade, to the fear of losing the paper profits that you are holding in a winning trade, and most importantly dealing with the emotional lows of a string of losses or the highs of many consecutive wins the bottom line is how you deal with those emotions will determine your long term success in trading more than any other one thing.
To manage your emotions first of all you must trade a robust trading methodology that is profitable and you have to know that it will be a winner in the long term if you stay disciplined. You also must trade your method with proper position sizing and risk management to keep the volume down on your emotions and ego. If you have that the next step is the management of your emotions.
You must understand that every trade is not going to be a winner and not blame yourself for equity drawdowns if you are trading with discipline.
Do not bet your entire account on any one trade, in fact risking only 1% of your total capital on any one trade is the best thing you can do for your stress levels and to bring your risk of ruin to virtually zero.
With that said here are some examples of emotional equations to better understand why you feel certain emotions strongly in your trading: (The ‘=’ sign should be read as ‘equals’ and the ‘-’ symbol read as ‘minus’ to understand the formulas here).

Losing Money – Trading Better = Despair
Do not despair look at your losses as part of doing business and as paying tuition fees to the markets.
Expectations – Reality= Disappointment
Enter trading with realistic expectations. You can realistically expect 15% -25% annual returns on capital with great trading after you have experience and have done the necessary homework. More than that is possible but you will have take on more risks and be one of the very best traders or investors to achieve greater returns than this.
Disappointment in a loss+ Caused by lack of Discipline = Regret
If you followed your trading plan and lose money because the market did not move in your direction so be it, but if you went off your plan and traded based on your feelings and opinions then you should feel regret and stop being undisciplined.
Winning Trades – Fear of Ruin=Enjoying your Trading
Trading is much more enjoyable when you are risking 1% of your capital in the hopes of making 3% on your capital with a zero chance of ruin or have a very high winning percentage with very small losses when wrong. It is not enjoyable when you are putting a huge percentage of your capital on the line in each trade and are only a few bad trades away from your account going to zero.
Understanding what makes money + Years of successful trading =Trading Wisdom
To get good at trading you have to trade real money. Wisdom comes from putting real money on the line for years and proving to yourself that you can come out a winner in the long term.
Belief through back testing + Experience of winning with it for years =Faith in your system
Whether any individual trade is a winner or loser should not influence your faith in your system and trading method. You should trade in a way that each trade is just one trade out of the next 100. Much of emotional trading can be overcome when you do not have doubts about your method. When you hold an almost religious fervor over believing in your method, system, risk management, and your own discipline you will overcome many of the emotional problems that arise in the heat of action during a live market.
Most new traders will be very surprised at the emotions that rise up during active trading, I hope this blog post gives many a heads up on this factor and how to overcome it.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 21/8/2014 16:22

Fecho na Mota através do stop
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 21/8/2014 8:15

Curto na Mota
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 15/8/2014 15:38

Fecho na Galp através do stop Profit 6%
galp 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 15/8/2014 9:44

[b]The Universal Principles of Successful Trading

Author: Stephen Burns

A book review for Brent Penfold’s book “The Universal Principles of Successful Trading: Essential Knowledge for All Traders in All Markets”
This book is excellent for traders that are ready to accept its lessons. You need a foundation in trading to understand the importance of what the book is advising and take the principles seriously with an open mind. Once you are through the rainbow and butterfly phase of trading and realize that you will not be a millionaire in a year, this book will help you get focused and get serious about your trading and what really works.
Here are the six universal principles of successful traders:
1). Preparation
Author Brent Penfold is in the minority believing risk management is the #1 priority in trading. Brent believes that once you get your trading system and position size in place you must use the amount you will risk on each trade to determine your risk of ruin. The book shows exactly how to figure this out using Excel. His point is that if your risk of ruin is not zero then you will eventually blow out your account. Risking 1% to 2% of your capital in any one trade usually gives you a zero percent risk of ruin but it also depends on your systems win/loss ratio. But the point is to test any system with a minimum of 30 trades first then determine your risk of ruin. I would advise a larger sample size in multiple market environments a trend following system that looks brilliant in a trending market may result in a 50% draw down in a choppy or range bound market.
2). Enlightenment
Your most important goal is to lower your risk ruin to zero. In trading, the trader with the best ability to cut losses short wins. Simple trading strategies work the best based on traditional support and resistance levels while trading with the trend on either reversals or break outs. The 10% of winning traders in the market win by treading where others fear, buying on break outs when they first occur and going short when a new low is made, or buying into key reversals when a security finds support or resistance and reverses at the end of a monster trend.
3). Developing a trading style
You must choose your own personal style of trading, swing trading, trend trading, etc. You must also trade based on your chosen time frame: intraday, short term, medium term, or long term.
4). Selecting Markets
Ideal markets to trade have high volume, price transparency, liquidity, 24 hour coverage, zero counter party risk, low transaction costs, and are honest and efficient. They also must have the necessary trading attributes of volatility, research, simplicity, ease of short selling, specialization, opportunities, growth, and leverage. These are the markets that afford you the greatest chances of making money trading.

5). The Three pillars of trading.

Money Management: You must make your trades as fixed as possible. Trade with the same risk, capital, units, percentage, and in the same type markets to manage risk most effectively.

Methodology: Choose a method that works for you and your personality from the ones available. (Dow Theory, technical indicators, patterns, price and volume, etc) Once you have a methodology to your trading, test it in the real world in real time either with micro trades or paper trade, you need a sample size to judge its efficacy.

Trader Psychology: Manage your hope, greed, fear, and pain to stay in the game.

6). Putting it all together
Monitor your performance consistently. You need positive reinforcement that your trading is working by the results you are getting in winning and losing trades. Your equity momentum will show you if you are trading too big or if you are on the wrong track, your P&L does not lie.
I have been actively and successfully trading the market for a decade and agree 100% with the authors principles. The author finishes up his book by asking many professional traders and some that are successful private traders what one advice they would give to aspiring traders. This advice alone is worth the price of the book. Here is a summary:
Money Management:
Focus on risk
Trade small
Pick a method that suits your personality
Develop a simple methodology
Avoid the majority, learn to anticipate reversals
Look for alignment in set ups
Good defense wins games
Identify low risk set ups
Know your methodology using software
Deep practice before trading
Expect to lose. Trade to win
Be disciplined. Be patient
Be humble
Be in control
This book is the real deal, as the author warns of the pains associated with trading. If you trade, you will experience those ten losing trades in a row in any system. You will experience the 10% draw down in your account the only question is when. 90% of people who enter the markets to trade will lose and quit. The majority of successful traders who win in the markets usually start out by losing most of the money in their first trading account. Be warned the market uses maximum adversity at all times, so the majority of traders lose long term surrendering their money to the minority that trade using winning principles. This book is in the top twenty I have ever read on trading and is a must for any serious trader’s library. Even with the lengthy review I have not even scratched the surface of this excellent books trading wisdom. It is like combining all the best trading books wrapped into one. I would give this book six stars on Amazon if possible.
The author keeps it real.
The Universal Principles of Successful Trading: Essential Knowledge for All Traders in All Market[/b]s
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 14/8/2014 18:20

soso Escreveu:Ok, percebi o teu ponto de vista.
Já agora, onde tens o stop, ou em que zona?

Na minha análise, se efectuar 2 fechos acima da MM200, é porque temos uma correcção das quedas violentas, pelo espero alongar.

Cumprimentos bolsistas :wink: .

O stop está a 12.50
[color=#0000FF]Eu vou estar quieto a acompanhar o que se vai passando, e manter-me apenas com a posição curta que tenho na Galp
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por soso » 14/8/2014 14:32

Ok, percebi o teu ponto de vista.
Já agora, onde tens o stop, ou em que zona?

Na minha análise, se efectuar 2 fechos acima da MM200, é porque temos uma correcção das quedas violentas, pelo espero alongar.

Cumprimentos bolsistas :wink: .
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Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 14/8/2014 14:23

_Bullish_ Escreveu:Também estava convicto disso, mas como a queda dos ultimos dias foi brutal existe margem para uma boa recuperação.
E hoje existe algumas cotadas que com esta subida parecem ter arranjado uns fortes suportes (BPI, BCP; talvez mesmo a PT). Não surgindo nenhuma noticia má, podemos ter a tão falada inversão.

Concordo, mas estou aberto a todas as possibilidades, vamos ver
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 14/8/2014 14:21

_Bullish_ Escreveu:
AntónioManuel Escreveu:Fecho na Mota
Motivo: indisciplina, abertura fora do plano. Abertura de posição a antecipar o padrão, no lugar de a fazer depois dele lá estar concluído.

Acho que hoje simplesmente não é um bom dia para curtos.
Tentei um que não atingiu o meu preço de venda por isso não se concretizou. E até ver ainda bem porque apenas anda a lateralizar.
Curtos hoje, talvez seja contra a maré.

PS: Aliás hoje fechei um "longo" aberto ontem para realizar a mais valia, e mais valia ter deixado correr os ganhos.

Isto foi um trade estupido, mas faz parte do reforço que preciso para saber estar quieto, quando devo estar quieto. aceito isto com boa mente, é uma fase no caminho que estou a fazer, e é uma coisa que vou ultrapassar.

Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por _Bullish_ » 14/8/2014 14:18

Também estava convicto disso, mas como a queda dos ultimos dias foi brutal existe margem para uma boa recuperação.
E hoje existe algumas cotadas que com esta subida parecem ter arranjado uns fortes suportes (BPI, BCP; talvez mesmo a PT). Não surgindo nenhuma noticia má, podemos ter a tão falada inversão.
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Registado: 21/7/2014 21:24

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 14/8/2014 14:12

soso Escreveu:Se a cotação da Galp recuperar em alta a MM200 (~12,4), colocas a hipótese de fechar o curto?

Eu ainda não abri um longo, apenas por causa daqueles que logo, costumam decidir em CAUSA PRÓPRIA!!!!

Julgo que se está a pôr a jeito para fechar o gap nos 12,785€.

Cumprimentos bolsistas :wink: .

O fecho da posição é automático e é feito pelo stop se lá for.
Na minha opinião como neste momento ainda estamos em tendência descendente considero esta subida uma retração e não penso abrir longos.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22


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