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Antóniomanuel Trading

Espaço dedicado a todo o tipo de troca de impressões sobre os mercados financeiros e ao que possa condicionar o desempenho dos mesmos.

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 29/7/2014 15:38

Curto na Galp
galp curto.png
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 29/7/2014 14:58

jgut Escreveu:Boa tarde,

eu acabei de entrar longo a 4,875, não pensei que viesse mais abaixo, vamos ver como corre e se a minha análise estava correta. Aguardar.... :pray:

Podes ter sorte, se acertares, e espero que tenhas, mas na minha opinião seria melhor teres esperado por uma reacção na SMA50, pois há sempre hipótese de a quebrar
Gráfico a 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por jgut » 29/7/2014 14:47

Boa tarde,

eu acabei de entrar longo a 4,875,não que viesse mais abaixo, vamos ver como corre e se a minha análise estava correta. Aguardar.... :pray:

Ps: vendo melhor agora os meus apontamentos tinha como valores mínimos de compra 5,80 - 4,86.... mas como descortinei um fecho do gap (gráfico de 30'), pelos valores da compra, o qual coincide com a MM200, arrisquei.
"Ter paciência é difícil, mas o resultado é gratificante."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Registado: 27/3/2014 21:50

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 29/7/2014 13:51

Fecho da posição longa na Mota atraves do stoploss
mota fecho.png
Gráfico Diário
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 27/7/2014 23:30


PostAuthorIcon Author: Stephen Burns

This blog post is an excerpt from my book New Trader, Rich Trader.

“The funny thing is that the principles you have been teaching me for trading success have also been helping me in other areas of my life. I think much more clearly about many parts of my life now. My journal has expanded into a self-help journal as well as a trading journal. I did not even think about many of these things until after I learned many of the principles we’ve been discussing. I would like to read you some thoughts from my journal and see what you think.”
New Trader believed that his self-improvement would help with his trading and that he had really ingested the principles Rich Trader was trying to instill in him because not only did he understand their application for trading, but he applied them to other areas of his life.

New Trader began reading, excited to finally share these observations with his mentor.

• In life, as in trading, the right mindset is crucial for success. You must be confident in your decisions because they are based on cause and effect, not on emotions or opinion. Negative people who are unsure of themselves are not successful in any field. You need faith in yourself and your methods to be able to persevere and not give up before reaching success.

• You can risk too much and lose it all in your business, life, marriage, friendships or family. You have to measure the potential cost of every action. One affair can cost you your marriage, just like one big trade with too much risk can cost you all your capital.

• In business there are certain methods which bring in customers and turn a profit, and others which cause a business to turn away customers and lose money. Trading is similar: methods which turn a consistent and long-term profit are essential for success.

• Having unrealistic expectations in a marriage, job, or business will lead to unhappiness and failure just like it will in trading. You have to set realistic expectations so
you do not get discouraged easily and quit in any of these areas. You have to be satisfied that the results are worth your effort over the long term. You need to understand what to expect before you begin a marriage, a job, a business, or trading.

• Those who succeed in all areas of life are the ones who can manage stress the best. The best way to manage stress is to increase what you can handle step by step so that you grow into new circumstances. Another way to manage stress is to avoid actions which get you into situations you are uncomfortable with.

• Patience can pay big dividends in life. Patience is not inaction; it is simply knowing what you are looking for and taking action at the right time. Whether you are waiting for the right trade setup or the right person to marry, patience can protect you from irrational emotions and feelings. Wait for what you want, and when it is there go get it.

• In life, as in trading, people with written plans accomplish much more than people with no plans. Sit down when you are calm and rational and jot down goals to pursue. This will provide you with a map when life circumstances bring out your fears, greed, and other destructive emotions.

• Education does not end in school. To be successful in life or trading we must never stop learning. The market and the world are constantly advancing and changing and the only way to keep up is to keep learning.

• In life, the majority of gamblers are broke and the majority of good business owners become rich. The same principle is true in trading.

• In life, if you risk everything enough times you will eventually lose everything. Instead, just move in the direction of your goals every day, so even with setbacks, in the long run you will get to where you are going.

• Before making any decision in life, the question: “What do I have to lose?” is a serious question. This should precede, “What do I have to gain?” If the answer is: I could lose $100, but if I am right I could gain $500 and my odds of being right are 50% – then you have a good risk reward profile. If it is reversed, then you have a bad risk reward scenario and should pass. These are also questions you must ask in your marriage, job, business, or friendships before making decisions you regret.

• Failure to admit when you are wrong can be disastrous. When you are going down the wrong road it is better to turn back sooner rather than later. Never fight a war for a hill of bones, because even if you win, all you have is a hill of bones and regret over what it cost you.

• When you have won big prepare to take profits. Have an exit plan in place. If your house goes from $100,000 to $300,000, have a plan to sell and move. Do not just sit there and let it drop back down to $100,000. It is surprising how many people are in the right place at the right time and win what is equivalent to the lottery in stocks, a house, or a business but have no exit plan, so they ride it all the way up then all the way down again with almost nothing to show for it. Tragic.

• What most separates successful people from unsuccessful people in all areas of life is that they persevere until they are successful. Everyone has to overcome failures, but those who keep going are the ones with successful marriages, businesses, careers, and trading systems.

• People who are successful become experts in one area. They put in 10 years of learning and mastering one business, one career, one marriage, or one trading style. do not jump around and become a jack-of-all-trades and master of none.

• Successful people do what really leads to success, not what they believe will make them successful. They read books, study patterns, have mentors, and learn cause and effect.

• Winners base their actions on proven results, not on their own opinions or predictions. Feedback is crucial to them; people with strong opinions who believe they can predict what will happen reject feedback. Winners go with the flow of the trend causing their success.

• In life, those who are driven by their vision, passion, and plan usually end up where they want to be or close to it. Those who let their emotions and feelings take over and drive their decision-making usually end up where they do not want to be in life.

• I believe that people who realize they have made a mistake in a given situation and who cut those losses and try again will be much more successful than people who waste years on a marriage, business, or career that continuously gets worse. It is important to continue in a business or career that is successful until that trend changes.

The full book New Trader, Rich Trader is available on Amazon.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 27/7/2014 23:15

The 7 Powerful Emotions of the Winning Trader

Post AuthorIcon Author: Stephen Burns

One thing that trips up new traders is that they are surprised at the emotions that flood them when they begin the process of trading with real money. Their ego engages and they do not want to be wrong. They experience of the strong emotional sting of losing money. In my opinion trading is primarily won our lost in the mind. Mental ruin takes more traders out of the game than the math, risk management, or markets ever will. Once the negativity begins it is hard to stop, so travel down the right emotional road if you truly want to be a winning trader, here is what that looks like:

Choose the emotions that you participate in carefully.

Contentment: The trader must be satisfied that they are trading the right system for their risk tolerance and beliefs about the market. Their should be no internal conflict about your trading method. Your entries and exits should flow out with emotional stability.

Hopefulness: A trader must have the belief that he will win in the long term and it is worth the effort to capture the future profits. If you don’t believe in your trading method you won’t make it in the markets.

Optimism: Winning traders believe that they are always getting closer to that next big winner or string of wins.

Positive Expectations: To be successful the trader must expect that in the long run their robust system will produce profits and not lose faith in what they are doing during draw downs.

Enthusiasm: The winning trader enjoys the trading process and loves playing the game that is the markets. We need the energy of inspiration to drive our work ethic.

Passion: The traders that end up as the big winners are the ones that have the drive to keep learning, keep growing, and put in the work needed because of the energy that comes from their passion. A focused passion is what gives birth to perseverance and success.

Empowerment: The best traders in the market can not even imagine doing anything else but trading. They truly get joy from the freedom of being a trader and love what they do. They know who they are , they know what they need to do to be successful, and they do it. They save all their energy from internal conflict and focus like a laser on winning. They pick themselves to be winners in the markets.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 26/7/2014 23:04

Trading and Life Satisfaction

Recent posts have emphasized the role of emotional well-being in creativity, health, and productivity. Well-being is also likely to moderate the frustrations that can lead to lapses in trading discipline. When we maximize positive experience, we broaden our thinking and build new competencies.

But what is well-being? We commonly equate well-being with happiness, but that is only one dimension of positive experience. Our physical and emotional energy are also crucial to well-being, helping us turn goals into achievements. Well-being also stems from experiences of affection and the development of close, meaningful relationships. Finally, our positive experience depends upon our level of life satisfaction. It is difficult to pour ourselves into trading, for example, if we are dissatisfied with trading.

A 2013 Pew Research poll found that 81% of Americans say they are satisfied with their lives. Interestingly, however, only 50% rate their relationship with their partner/spouse as "excellent"; only 38% describe an "excellent" spiritual life; 28% rate their employment situation as "excellent"; 27% rate their health as "excellent"; and only 13% describe an "excellent" personal financial situation.

A tempting inference from these findings is that most people are satisfied with less than excellence. There is, however, a different possibility.

A very interesting study found that personality changes over the lifespan--and those personality shifts are more responsible for changes in our life satisfaction than our changes in income or employment. Indeed, changes in personality accounted for 35% of changes in life satisfaction, compared to only 4% for income and employment and less than 4% for marital status.

What this suggests is that life satisfaction may be more about who we are than what we do. Subjects in the research study who rated themselves as less agreeable over the years also reported lower levels of life satisfaction. Conversely, those that reported becoming more open to experience also described higher life satisfaction.

This leads to an important question: How has involvement in financial markets affected your character? Has trading made you a better person or a worse one?

I strongly suspect the answers to those questions are meaningfully connected to traders' life satisfaction and, ultimately, the ability to sustain a successful career in markets. Profits from markets can make us happy, but what might be more important to long term well-being is the perception that we are personally profiting from our trading experience.

Posted by Brett Steenbarger, Ph.D. at 4:15 AM
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 26/7/2014 21:51

jgut Escreveu:Como estava sem sono.... estive a analisar a Mota e a conclusão a que cheguei foi a seguinte:
# julgo estar a iniciar um novo movimento de alta, caso se confirme a não quebra do suporte (linha azul escuro), e nesta situação será o momento excelente de entrada, pois como se pode ver pelos preços, vêm de uma consolidação (rectangulo) associado a um baixo volume o que sinaliza claramente um período de consolidação e fim de tendência baixista, isto porque os 1ºs momentos de compra já foram sinalizados pelo RSI e MACD. Será nesse momento que entrarei na ação, embora aceite ter deixado escapar já 2 momentos importantes dados pelos indicadores referidos anteriormente. Para confirmar a minha análise temos as velas do período de consolidação que sinalizei, que mostram claramente uma rejeição de preços inferiores.
Espero ter sido claro no meu pensamento e ajudado no esclarecimento de alguma dúvida, pois também eu venho aqui para "ouvir" as vossas opiniões e com elas aprender.
Critiquem e apresentem também as vossas análises.

Normalmente numa tendência de descida como a que tem vindo a acontecer até á quebra confirmada da primeira resistência devemos considerar uma retração na tendência de descida. Seguro seria esperar para entrar longo depois desta quebra confirmada, mas devido á situação do PSI20 em que é agora que volta á tendência primaria ou isto vai mesmo a serio para baixo, e como eu estou convicto que a correção terminou embora ainda possa fazer uma retração perto dos 6100, fazer uma entrada longa nesta zona penso que tem boas probabilidades de ser bem sucedida, mas se não for está lá o stoploss. Outra coisa curiosa é que eu não acredito em correções no SPX500 antes de atingir os 2000, o que a acontecer favorece o PSI, isto vale o que vale, é a minha ideia.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por jgut » 26/7/2014 2:55

Como estava sem sono.... estive a analisar a Mota e a conclusão a que cheguei foi a seguinte:
# julgo estar a iniciar um novo movimento de alta, caso se confirme a não quebra do suporte (linha azul escuro), e nesta situação será o momento excelente de entrada, pois como se pode ver pelos preços, vêm de uma consolidação (rectangulo) associado a um baixo volume o que sinaliza claramente um período de consolidação e fim de tendência baixista, isto porque os 1ºs momentos de compra já foram sinalizados pelo RSI e MACD. Será nesse momento que entrarei na ação, embora aceite ter deixado escapar já 2 momentos importantes dados pelos indicadores referidos anteriormente. Para confirmar a minha análise temos as velas do período de consolidação que sinalizei, que mostram claramente uma rejeição de preços inferiores.
Espero ter sido claro no meu pensamento e ajudado no esclarecimento de alguma dúvida, pois também eu venho aqui para "ouvir" as vossas opiniões e com elas aprender.
Critiquem e apresentem também as vossas análises.
"Ter paciência é difícil, mas o resultado é gratificante."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Registado: 27/3/2014 21:50

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 25/7/2014 19:33

Top Ten Reasons Traders Lose Their Discipline

Losing discipline is not a trading problem; it is the common result of a number of trading-related problems. Here are the most common sources of loss of discipline, culled from my work with traders:

10) Environmental distractions and boredom cause a lack of focus;

9) Fatigue and mental overload create a loss of concentration;

8) Overconfidence follows a string of successes;

7) Unwillingness to accept losses, leading to alterations of trade plans after the trade has gone into the red;

6) Loss of confidence in one's trading plan/strategy because it has not been adequately tested and battle-tested;

5) Personality traits that lead to impulsivity and low frustration tolerance in stressful situations;

4) Situational performance pressures, such as trading slumps and increased personal expenses, that change how traders trade (putting P/L ahead of making good trades);

3) Trading positions that are excessive for the account size, created exaggerated P/L swings and emotional reactions;

2) Not having a clearly defined trading plan/strategy in the first place;

1) Trading a time frame, style, or market that does not match your talents, skills, risk tolerance, and personality.

Posted by Brett Steenbarger, Ph.D. at 11:58 PM
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 25/7/2014 16:59

Quebrou a SMA50 no Gráfico a 4h com bom volume e fez um fecho nada mau,vamos ver a abertura na segunda feira
Gráfico a 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 25/7/2014 16:50

jgut Escreveu:Tal como disse anteriormente, estava indeciso numa entrada no final da sessão, tinha um plano definido de entrada se tocasse novamente na mm200, como tal não se verificou, ainda...., acabei por não entrar, contudo gostei dos últimos 30min da sessão onde se viu uma força compradora em ação. No entanto, como não tenho bem a noção dos volumes médios para esta ação decidi deixar a minha decisão de entrada para próxima semana.
Bom fim de semana,

Acho bastante sensato Jgut, Bom fim de semana
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por jgut » 25/7/2014 16:46

Tal como disse anteriormente, estava indeciso numa entrada no final da sessão, tinha um plano definido de entrada se tocasse novamente na mm200, como tal não se verificou, ainda...., acabei por não entrar, contudo gostei dos últimos 30min da sessão onde se viu uma força compradora em ação. No entanto, como não tenho bem a noção dos volumes médios para esta ação decidi deixar a minha decisão de entrada para próxima semana.
Bom fim de semana,
"Ter paciência é difícil, mas o resultado é gratificante."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Registado: 27/3/2014 21:50

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 25/7/2014 16:40

Vocês podem ter razão, para já o stoploss aguentou, ainda continuo optimista, vamos ver.

António Manuel
mota situação.png
Gráfico Diário
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por MME5 » 25/7/2014 15:28

Posso estar a escrever uma grande barbaridade :lol: mas estou a ver a Mota a viajar mais para sul que para norte, segundo toque na SMA20 e parece sem força, sem volume...
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Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por jgut » 25/7/2014 15:15

Boa tarde AntónioManuel,

Em parte concordo com a tua decisão de entrada neste momento, isto porque estamos ligeiramente acima da mm200, temos duas velas anteriores positivas, após uns período de indecisão e em simultâneo com velas de rejeição de preços mais baixos. Contudo, hoje teremos quase de certeza uma vela de indecisão, assim sendo, não seria melhor aguardar pelo fecho de hoje e abrir a posição apenas segunda feira? Isto porque o preço poderá inverter ou vir cotar a cerca de 50% abaixo da cauda dea vela de hoje e depois subir.
Abraço e bons negócios.


ps: talvez entre ainda hoje perto do fecho da sessão. :-k
Editado pela última vez por jgut em 25/7/2014 16:39, num total de 1 vez.
"Ter paciência é difícil, mas o resultado é gratificante."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

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Registado: 27/3/2014 21:50

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 25/7/2014 8:50

O Alquimista Escreveu:Caro António Manuel,

esse autor que vem citando, Stephen Burns, ensina algum método de trading tipo "compre aqui, venda acolá, ponha stop assim e target assado" e que tipo de indicadores usa para chegar a essas conclusões?

Olá Alquimista. Sigo-o no Twitter é uma enciclopédia, tem vários livros publicados; menciona os pontos de entrada e saída na hora, baseia-se em medias moveis, RSI e faz Swing Trading, Vive exclusivamente da Bolsa.
Já o sigo á muito tempo tal como o Nial Fuller, não aprofundei sobre os seus pontos de entrada porque fui arrebatado pelo método do Nial pela simplicidade, e por ele pela informação clara que transmite sobre Money management e mentalidade. Normalmente publica um artigo por dia, sempre muito bom.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 25/7/2014 8:29

Longo na Mota.
mota abertura.png
Gráfico Diário
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por O Alquimista » 24/7/2014 20:46

Caro António Manuel,

esse autor que vem citando, Stephen Burns, ensina algum método de trading tipo "compre aqui, venda acolá, ponha stop assim e target assado" e que tipo de indicadores usa para chegar a essas conclusões?
"Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better." - Samuel Becket
Pára de dar crédito fácil ao que lês e ouves, escuta o que o preço está a fazer e olha para o que te rodeia. - O Alquimista
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Registado: 12/3/2014 0:58

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 24/7/2014 19:38

Two Key Drivers To Success
July 24th, 2014 | Author: Stephen Burns

The two key drivers of success in any endeavor is passion and hope.

Passion creates the energy to do what we need to do to get to where we want to go. Many times money is just the side effect of the work we do driven by our own passion and desire for success with little thought given to the monetary reward that could happen during the battle for success. When we are passionate about something we just love doing it, we just love the game itself and everything about being in that game and playing it. True professionals do not use their bank account as a daily motivator to work, they are doing what they were born to do, they are just being who they are and what they are.
Hope is what gets us up in the morning and keeps us working toward our goals. Hope gives us the ability to do hard work today for a potential reward in the future. Hope sees an account at $0 and sees that it could be over a million dollars if the right plan is followed. Hope gives us the energy to work hard in our present circumstances believing that we are receiving an education that will show us the path to where we want to be. The greatest cause of depression is being realistic about the present and future and the loss of hope in tomorrow.
being better than today. Know what you want, and understand how to get there. If you are willing to do what you have to do and be willing to pay the price that your goal costs you can have what you want.
“A man is a success if he gets up in the morning and gets to bed at night, and in between he does what he wants to do.”
― Bob Dylan
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 23/7/2014 22:10

Boa tarde,
Aproveito a deixa " identificar tendências", para colocar a questão: Estaremos a iniciar uma nova tendência ascendente na sonae?
Julgo que andou a acumular por volta dos 1,12€, valor que me manteve indeciso numa entrada....contudo ainda não o fiz, pois as dúvidas permanecem julgando que poderá aproximar-se dos 1.25 +- e só depois se considerar a concretização de nova tendência,ou então, sendo mais rigorosos só após a passagem da linha superior do canal descendente +- 1.26€.
Assim, gostava de saber das Vossas opiniões, que contarão com mais experiência do que a minha, pois ando nestes lides apenas há 2 anos.
Bons negócios,

Na minha opinião só estaremos a iniciar una nova tendência ascendente como dizes, só depois de quebrar de forma consistente aquela zona dos 1.22 que coincide com a SMA50 e a linha de Tendência.

Gráfico Diário
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 23/7/2014 21:57

nc_trader1 Escreveu:Pessoalmente gastei quase 200 euros no site forexschool e achei que foi dinheiro para o lixo, as estratégias que eles usam são as mesmas que o Niall Fuller usa, e simplesmente não funcionam.

O forex vive de oscilações é como muito imprevisivel e a análise técnica raramente funciona, a par que as acções vivem de tendências, é muito mais fácil identifica-las e ganhar dinheiro com elas.

Olá nc_trader1, Nestes últimos cinco anos experimentei praticamente tudo e até agora foi o que funcionou melhor, mas não basta só basear-mo-nos nos Candlestick Patterns, envolve conhecer bem a estrutura dos mercados, Bear Markets, Bull Markets, Correções, retrações, Suportes e Resistencias importantes,ter um plano por escrito e ser disciplinado a executá-lo, e muitas coisas mais,isto é um mundo, e acredito que é preciso gostarmos muito disto para chega-mos lá, porque é preciso muita persistência, cometer muitos erros e aprender com eles.
Eu acredito que é este o melhor caminho,vou continuar a segui-lo e tentar melhorar continuamente, vamos ver o que consigo fazer.

António Manuel
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por jgut » 23/7/2014 19:07

nc_trader1 Escreveu:Pessoalmente gastei quase 200 euros no site forexschool e achei que foi dinheiro para o lixo, as estratégias que eles usam são as mesmas que o Niall Fuller usa, e simplesmente não funcionam.

O forex vive de oscilações é como muito imprevisivel e a análise técnica raramente funciona, a par que as acções vivem de tendências, é muito mais fácil identifica-las e ganhar dinheiro com elas.

Boa tarde,
Aproveito a deixa " identificar tendências", para colocar a questão: Estaremos a iniciar uma nova tendência ascendente na sonae?
Julgo que andou a acumular por volta dos 1,12€, valor que me manteve indeciso numa entrada....contudo ainda não o fiz, pois as dúvidas permanecem julgando que poderá aproximar-se dos 1.25 +- e só depois se considerar a concretização de nova tendência,ou então, sendo mais rigorosos só após a passagem da linha superior do canal descendente +- 1.26€.
Assim, gostava de saber das Vossas opiniões, que contarão com mais experiência do que a minha, pois ando nestes lides apenas há 2 anos.
Bons negócios,
"Ter paciência é difícil, mas o resultado é gratificante."
Jean-Jacques Rousseau

Qual a dor que escolhes?
A da DISCIPLINA ou do Arrependimento?
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Registado: 27/3/2014 21:50

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por nc_trader1 » 23/7/2014 13:57

Pessoalmente gastei quase 200 euros no site forexschool e achei que foi dinheiro para o lixo, as estratégias que eles usam são as mesmas que o Niall Fuller usa, e simplesmente não funcionam.

O forex vive de oscilações é como muito imprevisivel e a análise técnica raramente funciona, a par que as acções vivem de tendências, é muito mais fácil identifica-las e ganhar dinheiro com elas.
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Registado: 19/1/2012 22:42

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por nc_trader1 » 23/7/2014 13:51

AntónioManuel Escreveu:Depois desta reflexão sobre os últimos trades e implementando uma ideia que vinha reforçando ultimamente; com o objectivo de melhorar a minha qualidade de vida, reduzir o stress do trading, e o ruido subjacente aos timeframes 4h-1h-30m etc,decidi passar a negociar exclusivamente o timeframe Diário.

Também já acompanho o Niall há bastante tempo, ele tem artigos muito interessantes, mas uma coisa são artigos outro é a prática.
A percentagem de negócios que ele fecha com lucro é relativamente pequena, e o Risk/reward muito baixo, a médio longo prazo é banca rota.

E tentar adivinhar fundos/mudanças de tendência é quase impossível é o mesmo que tentar apanhar facas a cair
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Registado: 19/1/2012 22:42


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