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Cardano (ADA)

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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 21/10/2021 18:25

É preciso ter calma com a cardano, costuma ter longos períodos de consolidação 8-)
O catalisador da ADA vai ser quando a primeira DEX entrar em funcionamento, só assim vão ser eliminados os receios sobre o "problema" da concorrência.

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por LoneWolf » 21/10/2021 10:20

aí vai ela!
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 5/10/2021 0:32

Gray scale sugere que cardano está subvalorizada em relação a ethereum e bitcoin
:arrow: https://grayscale.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/CARDANO_Building-Block.pdf

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"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 14/9/2021 11:34

Também tenho SOL mas acho que vai um bocado contra um dos princípios das crypto, a descentralização.
Se fores ver vais concluir que mais de metade do hashrate é controlado por 5 nós que são executados em datacenters.
Para poderes ser validador de SOL tens de ter um ¨PC que custa cerca de 10k e além de não existir mínimo de moeda para seres validador para que tenhas alguma hipótese de ser escolhido para criar o bloco terás de ter neste momento mais de 20M$ em SOL. Blockchain de ricos e com risco de ir tudo com o aço por ser pouco descentralizada ...

Aproveito para corrigir o primeiro bloco da era alonzo, não sei o que se passou na plataforma mas na altura foi esse bloco que apareceu em primeiro mas não foi. Aqui fica o primeiro


"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por MPCapital » 13/9/2021 0:12

Coisas boas a acontecer. ADA está, apesar de tudo, com imensa concorrência. Tenho estado estas últimas semanas a fazer yield farming em ambiente SOLANA e fiquei boquiaberto, estava mais habituado a TERRA, mas é impressionante com o quão rápido e eficaz é o ecossistema SOL. ADA olhava para ETH, mas agora olha para SOL, AVAX, FTM, TERRA, etc.

Excluindo posições em DeFi, ADA era a minha segunda maior posição, a primeira ainda é ETH. Agora ADA é a 3ª porque de repente SOL multiplicou por 8x o meu preço de compra e ADA "apenas" 3x...

Super interessado em acompanhar as novas plataformas a aparecer em ADA, carregar a bateria do rato e teclado para o que aí vem.
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Registado: 27/2/2019 8:54

Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 12/9/2021 22:59

Ora cá está o primeiro bloco da nova era de CARDANO :clap:

ONYX pool :clap:

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 11/9/2021 12:23

Boa malha revólver ... Neste momento a cardano leva uma valorização de 13 %
Os smart contracts na mainnet são já amanhã.
Vamos ver se não é um vender na notícia, é provável que seja compra no rumor e compra na notícia :twisted:

Deixo dois vídeos de canais que acompanho sobre a questão da concorrência que os haters tem publicitado nos últimos dias

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por revólver » 10/9/2021 21:05

boa noite

deixo abaixo a minha análise técnica à cardano.

cardano 2  10-9-21.PNG
cardano 2 10-9-21.PNG (24.66 KiB) Visualizado 14632 vezes
cardano 3  10-9-21.PNG
cardano 3 10-9-21.PNG (25.18 KiB) Visualizado 14632 vezes
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cardano 6 10-9-21.PNG (58.14 KiB) Visualizado 14632 vezes
cardano 5  10-9-21.PNG
cardano 5 10-9-21.PNG (52.49 KiB) Visualizado 14632 vezes
negoceia aquilo que vês e não aquilo que pensas.
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Registado: 5/9/2021 13:45
Localização: sabugal

Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 1/9/2021 13:26

Hoje entram em funcionamento os smart contracts na testnet, se a memória não me falha dia 12 vão para a mainnet

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 19/8/2021 19:48

Cardano imparável com os Smart contrats na mainnet já em setembro

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 10/8/2021 13:11

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"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 9/8/2021 18:43

Ótimas noticias para a cardano. Mais wrappers para a cardano e muito mais ...
Tudo indica que no inicio do próximo mês temos contratos inteligentes na mainnet

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 3/8/2021 20:37

Será que a cardano se está a transformar em refúgio ?

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"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 2/8/2021 13:28

Surprise AMA August 1st, 2021


00:05:42 You look very tired. What’s up?
00:06:23 We need help in Ethiopia, with the inflation at 20% per year.
00:06:41 You had a little too much sun?
00:07:01 What do you think about magic mushrooms?
00:09:05 How does one get involved with developing impactful projects on top of Cardano?
00:10:06 When will you be on the Joe Roagan podcast?
00:10:16 Where is the poncho from Colombia? Also you should take a look at Verasity it will be huge for Cardano to have a Proof of View project.
00:10:48 Do you think the fact that 70% of Ada is being staked is good for Cardano?
00:11:10 What are your thoughts on the upcoming Crypto regulations?
00:13:07 Thoughts on posting Catalyst proposals publicly, outside of the Cardano network, as evidence against to refute the FUD ‘no one is building on the ghost chain’.
00:13:40 Do you think it’s an advantage to look 52 years old at 33?
00:16:32 Thoughts on the SEC treating cryptocurrencies as stocks?
00:17:00 Have you ever been to Maui?
00:17:08 Thoughts on ICP?
00:17:17 What’s your favorite spirit to drink?
00:17:31 How are we doing on smart contracts?
00:17:50 Would you ever put blue cheese on steak?
00:18:10 How do you win the mental game of fasting?
00:24:46 Will Djed be pegged to the US dollar or something else?
00:25:56 Will Cardano integrate NIPIPOWs alongside Mithral?
00:27:09 Do you still think ERGO is a good project?
00:27:25 How many BISON do you own and what is it like taking care of them?
00:28:14 Are there any IELE updates?
00:28:48 How tf do I ask a question this is fu** absur
00:29:24 Will you and Vitalik every bury the hatchet and collaborate?
00:31:56 I’m a small print shop in Toronto, can I please print official Cardano hoodies?
00:32:32 What is the single best global benefit of cryptocurrencies?
00:33:19 Do we need governments for anything?
00:34:10 Thoughts on the proposed Federal Reserve coin? Biggest threat to crypto ecosystem?
00:34:38 Please take care of your VOICE, it’s very raspy.
00:35:08 What subjects do you feel are the most important to learn?
00:36:15 Thoughts on journalling?
00:37:28 What makes you feel joy?
00:42:00 What’s your favorite color?
00:42:12 Do you hire a political scientists to help with Cardano’s governance structure?
00:42:26 Do you ever stop and think “I changed the world”?
00:43:53 Peter Brandt recently stated that Cardano might nose dive by 90%, who pads his pockets?
00:45:15 Do you believe in aliens?
00:46:00 Which one do you prefer: giraffe or gorilla?
00:46:50 What do you think about the COVID19Delta variant? (Charles also talks about his opinion on origin of the virus)
00:55:25 Asian-Hate (stigma talking about virus origin)
00:58:26 Intro to computer Science Course?
00:58:39 Communism sucks
01:00:02 Thoughts on Gary Gensler?
01:01:05 You ever talk to Aubrey De Grey or David Sinclair?
01:01:46 How do you think the crypto space can help solve the climate change and help halt and reverse the destruction of the natural world, and Caradano’s role therein?
01:08:20 Do you believe that there’s a chance that the Megalodon shark is still alive today?
01:08:45 Denis Villeneuve take on DUNE?
01:09:05 People need accurate information to make good decisions. This is what baffled me when you praised Rush Limbaugh who was fine profiting from lies but you seem to want humanity to be intelligent.
01:16:01 Charles run for president in 2024. We need transparency.
01:19:51 The women over your right shoulder with the golden tears. Did you pick that piece up in Aspen?
01:21:17 What do you make of Erik Vorhees decision to dencentralize his company and the exchange?
01:22:52 Any thoughts on why Cardano is absent from crypto ATMs? Japan allegedly had one once, but it’s nowhere to be found.
01:23:42 Do you collect any original artwork?
01:24:23 Would you ever go skydiving?
01:24:29 Do you eat lions mane frequently?
01:24:37 What coding language do you think should be learned?
01:26:27 What role does Cardano play in the metaverse?
01:26:51 Have you been to China before?
01:27:25 Will the hard cap of Cardano remain the same or are you re-thinking it?
01:28:17 Every try painting for yourself?
01:29:10 Have you ever considered funding an evidence-based policy research institute?
01:29:37 Why do you think Bezos lost his hair?
01:29:57 Updates on Ethiopia, will there be a stable coin tied to the Ethiopian Birr?
01:30:31 The ADA WY event this Sept. Do yo you need tickets to get in? Your old Farrier wants to go :)
01:30:45 This guy is a manipulative liar.
01:31:06 Thoughts on Vim vs emacs?
01:31:35 Would you fly into space if you had the opportunity?
01:31:59 String theory, thoughts?
01:32:17 How do I become and ADA developer? Currently C.S. student.
01:32:39 IOHK have UPSTAFFED massively, where did the bodies go?
01:33:46 LOL Warhammer fan?
01:34:02 The emperor protects.
01:34:15 Do you have beehives on your ranch?
01:34:25 Are you working on Ethereum Classic?
01:34:39 Mustard or ketchup?
01:35:13 Why help Ethereum Classic?
01:36:07 Any involvement in the Libertarian Party?
01:36:59 Any time for gaming, and if so, which ones?
01:38:03 What is the one book that you think everyone should read?
01:38:29 What is your favorite music (question overlay absent)
01:39:39 Beatles or stones?
01:41:55 Rust or Scala?
01:42:19 Elizabeth Warren asked you about Cardano
01:42:31 Herschel Walker thoughts?
01:44:09 Thoughts on Tom Brady?
01:44:24 Thoughts on Pink Floyd (synchronization etc) and FIBONACCI retracements when applied to crypto.
01:44:52 What plant is that behind you?
01:45:03 What is your favorite NFL team?
01:45:15 Have ever got knocked out?
01:45:39 Who is John Galt?
01:46:16 Thoughts on Modern Monetary Theory?
01:47:27 How old are you Charles?
01:47:46 Will humans ever be able to travel the speed of light?
01:48:16 Super Mario kart character, who would you pick?
01:48:48 Do we really need self driving cars?
01:49:12 Mushrooms or micro greens?
01:49:21 Your thoughts on Bob Lazar?
01:50:04 Coast to Coast AM- loved it.
01:50:21 Do you actually drive a Lamborghini?
01:50:55 AR15 or AK47?
01:51:40 Charles won’t acknowledge the financial crisis coming because it will affect the price of ADA
01:52:27 Is a hotdog a sandwich?
01:54:08 Do you believe in time travel?
01:54:23 Alex Mashinski 2?
01:54:46 Charles, do we wash our hands or do they wash themselves?
01:55:20 How was Lex as a person?
01:56:16 When do you think the Corona will end?
01:56:37 What was your main class in World of Warcraft?
01:57:10 Do you know some German words?
01:57:20 Have you ever used a CPAP to get more restful sleep?
01:57:47 Your favorite pornstar?
01:58:13 Dave Smith for President?
01:58:40 When are you coming on Crypto Banter?
01:58:58 Do you own stock in Novavax?
02:00:03 Can mathematics define free will?
02:00:32 Thoughts on helium mining?
02:00:44 Boxers or briefs?
02:01:01 Have you ever taught mathematics?
02:01:06 Unblock me on twitter
02:01:21 Godel’s incompleteness theorum applying to blockchain?
02:01:57 How much are you worth?
02:02:03 Your thoughts on stoned ape theory.
02:03:31 Are you a sound sleeper or do you lie awake at night thinking about all this stuff?
02:03:50 Ass or tits? Asking for a friend.
02:04:27 You are so awesome Charles hahahah
02:04:48 And people call you liar. Obviously you cannot lie.
02:04:58 Favorite comedian?
02:05:07 Diablo 3 or path of Exile?
02:05:21 May I have a job as your assistant Mr Charles?
02:05:43 Do you think mathematics was invented or discovered?
02:08:19 Are science and religion basically the same thing?
02:11:28 I’m a barber Charles, I’d love so much to give you a haircut.
02:11:55 Do we need new religions?
02:12:23 Micro finance loan.
"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 31/7/2021 11:54

O que esperar dos próximos dois meses

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 26/7/2021 0:14

Para quem dizia que a cardano não ia ser de fácil integração por causa da sua linguagem de programação aqui esta a resposta.
Muitos mais wrappers virão ...

Cardano Preparing for Web, Mobile Integration
With JavaScript support, Cardano enables Plutus applications in the browser.


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"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 22/7/2021 23:50


"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 14/7/2021 21:53

É incrível a quantidade de staking em cardano
A força de acreditar :twisted:

:shock: 70 % de ADA. Quase 30 mil milhões


"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 7/7/2021 12:52

A grayscale continua a aumentar o peso de cardano no fundo GDLC, agora de uma forma menos significativa (4,26 -> 4,4).
De notar que também aumentou na ethereum (25,39 -> 26,1) e diminuiu na bitcoin (67,47 -> 66,6)

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"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 6/7/2021 19:19

Cardano leapfrogs Bitcoin as eToro clients' most-held cryptocurrency


Simon Peters, crypto market analyst at eToro said the growth and use case potential for Cardano’s native ADA token had clearly provided plenty of attraction for investors.

“During Q2, Cardano provided a clearer roadmap for its upcoming Alonzo hardfork – currently in a testing phase,” he said.

“If successful, it will bring smart contract functionality by allowing the writing and deployment of smart contracts for the first time on the Cardano blockchain.

“This upgrade will be significant as it will enable developers to build projects on the network, helping Cardano to position itself as a real ‘competitor’ to the likes of Ethereum.

“The price of ADA climbed 15 per cent over the last quarter, suggesting investor optimism around the Alonzo hard fork and Cardano’s ability to challenge Ethereum long-term.”

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 3/7/2021 1:19

A cardano entrou diretamente para terceiro lugar de um fundo da Grayscale. Não me surpreendia nada que o peso no fundo aumente nos próximos meses. A entrada mínima para este fundo são 50k :oh:


"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 30/6/2021 23:54

Alonzo: o que é o hard fork da Cardano e o que muda na criptomoeda


O que esperar da Cardano no futuro

O plano para o desenvolvimento da blockchain Cardano está traçado em detalhes, e foi discutido por Hoskinson em abril, através de seu canal no Youtube. A blockchain tem o plano dividido em eras, sendo que em cada era as atualizações miram um foco específico. Ela já passou pelas eras Byron (implementação de carteiras) e Shelley (armazenamento, multiativos e descentralização). O criador da Cardano apresentou reflexões para os próximos quatro anos do projeto, que ainda passará pelas seguintes eras:

● Goguen — contratos inteligentes, iniciando com o hard fork Alonzo;

● Basho — otimização e escalabilidade;

● Voltaire — governança.

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 24/6/2021 22:55

Bela reação :clap:

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 16/6/2021 18:31

Acabadinho de sair

0:00 - Introduction
2:09 - What programming language is the simulation written in?
7:14 - Favorite philosophers
16:15 - Theory vs engineering in cryptocurrency
27:24 - What programming languages should everyone learn
35:39 - Haskell and beyond
39:23 - Plutus: Cardano's smart contract platform based on Haskell
43:50 - What is a blockchain?
48:02 - Hybrid smart contracts
53:53 - Proof of work vs proof of stake
1:02:39 - Cardano's proof of stake consensus algorithm
1:13:11 - What is Cardano?
1:21:52 - Cardano vs Ethereum vs Bitcoin
1:31:47 - The problem with Bitcoin
1:41:21 - Bitcoin Conference
1:45:02 - Ergo and Alex Chepurnoy
1:52:12 - Cardano's Extended UTXO Model
1:59:25 - Chainlink and Oracle Networks
2:06:37 - Cardano and Wolfram Alpha
2:11:32 - The future of video games
2:20:07 - Smart contracts timeline for Cardano
2:27:37 - Decentralized exchanges
2:33:18 - Jack Dorsey and Bitcoin
2:39:30 - Elon Musk and Tesla: Cardano, Ethereum, Bitcoin
2:42:47 - Dogecoin and Elon Musk
2:54:08 - Hydra vs Lightning Network
3:01:42 - Non-Interactive Proofs of Proof-of-Work (NIPoPoWs)
3:05:36 - Cardano failure modes
3:13:57 - Cardano vs Polkadot
3:19:02 - Vitalik Buterin
3:27:13 - Corrupting nature of power
3:37:23 - Satoshi Nakamoto
3:43:34 - Cardano's vision for decentralized governance
3:56:28 - Cardano in Ethiopia
4:00:30 - El Salvador and Bitcoin
4:06:47 - Cryptocurrency will inject capitalism with long-term incentives
4:16:39 - Day in the life of Charles Hoskinson
4:23:56 - Mushrooms
4:30:04 - Joe Rogan
4:34:57 - Video games
4:47:11 - Advice for young people
4:50:20 - Meaning of life
"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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Re: Cardano (ADAUSD)

por ricardmag » 6/6/2021 23:34

Tudo o que vai acontecer nos próximos 3 meses

"Quando a música acaba, apagam-se as luzes." The Door's
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