UE-Opening speech by High Representative Josep Borrell
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UE-Opening speech by High Representative Josep Borrell
Mais vale tarde que nunca.
É bom reconhecer os erros, é o primeiro passo para evitar repeti-los.
Sugiro que leiam o discurso na totalidade
É bom reconhecer os erros, é o primeiro passo para evitar repeti-los.
Sugiro que leiam o discurso na totalidade
EU Ambassadors Annual Conference 2022: Opening speech by High Representative Josep Borrell
Let me try to summarise what is happening to us. Maybe I am wrong, but I want to discuss with you about it. I think that we Europeans are facing a situation in which we suffer the consequences of a process that has been lasting for years in which we have decoupled the sources of our prosperity from the sources of our security. This is a sentence to provide the headline, and I am taking that from Olivier Schmitt, who has been developing this thesis – I think - quite well.
Our prosperity has been based on cheap energy coming from Russia. Russian gas – cheap and supposedly affordable, secure, and stable. It has been proved not [to be] the case. And the access to the big China market, for exports and imports, for technological transfers, for investments, for having cheap goods. I think that the Chinese workers with their low salaries have done much better and much more to contain inflation than all the Central Banks together.
https://www.eeas.europa.eu/eeas/eu-amba ... borrell_en
"Só duas coisas são infinitas, o universo e a estupidez humana. Mas no que respeita ao universo ainda não tenho a certeza" Einstein
“Com os actuais meios de acesso à informação, a ignorância não é uma fatalidade, mas uma escolha pessoal" Eu
“Com os actuais meios de acesso à informação, a ignorância não é uma fatalidade, mas uma escolha pessoal" Eu
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