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AEX - Aegon

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Re: AEX - Aegon

por PairOfJacks » 16/9/2014 22:50

A AGN aguentou-se hoje acima da LTd que ontem tinha quebrado, após ter confirmado um segundo higher low. No longo prazo tem mostrado bastante força, tendo efectuado uma correcção modesta nestes últimos meses, após dois anos de subidas. Os dois swings ascendentes que já conta desde finais de Agosto não têm tido correcções assinaláveis, apenas ligeiras lateralizações contando uma ou duas velas vermelhas. A meu ver, a acompanhar...

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Re: AEX - Aegon

por Elias » 10/12/2013 15:30

Tal como a generalidade das seguradoras, a Aegon está bastante bull e atingiu recentemente máximos de 5 anos, após superar uma importante zona de resistência em torno dos 6 euros.

Note-se o padrão chávena-e-asa que foi desenhado antes da ruptura.

Nos últimos dias o título tem estado a consolidar, nas não há dúvida que a tendência de longo prazo é ascendente - em caso de correcção mais acentuada, deve vigiar-se atentamente a zona dos 6 euros, que agora constitui um suporte.

Declaração de interesses: não tenho qualquer posição neste título.
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Mensagens: 35428
Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

Re: AEX - Aegon

por Elias » 19/9/2013 19:46

Eurouro Escreveu:Como é que vocês negoceiam AEgon actualmente com uma volatidade destas? curto ou longo? ou fora?

A pergunta é para quem, exactamente?
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Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

Re: AEX - Aegon

por Eurouro » 19/9/2013 17:14

Como é que vocês negoceiam AEgon actualmente com uma volatidade destas? curto ou longo? ou fora?
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Registado: 18/7/2013 16:01

Re: AEX - Aegon

por Elias » 19/9/2013 11:02

A Axa também está a levar porrada... alguma coisa fez as seguradoras acordarem mal-dispostas hoje.
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Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

Re: AEX - Aegon

por C0rr3i4 » 19/9/2013 10:59

Aegon já esteve hoje a perder 11%. MM200 segurou-a...
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"Compound interest is the 8th wonder of the world."
(Albert Einstein)
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Localização: Sorria, está na Maia.

Re: AEX - Aegon

por Elias » 16/9/2013 13:47

Tal como fiz em Janeiro, vou passar em revista os gráficos de todas as acções do AEX-25.

Começo pela Aegon. O título está em tendência ascendente desde há dois anos mas enfrenta agora uma resistência nos 6 euros.

A evolução desta cotada nos últimos 3 anos ilustra na perfeição uma das características do mercado bolsista: o mercado passa mais tempo a subir que a descer, mas as descidas são muito mais rápidas que as subidas.
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Mensagens: 35428
Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por Elias » 2/1/2013 23:12

Estou a passar em revista todas as acções do AEX-25.

Começo pela seguradora Aegon.

Tal como o índice, está em máximos de 19 meses (Maio de 2011).

Olhando para o gráfico, parece ter desenhado um rectângulo de consolidação desde Agosto a Novembro, tendo rompido o mesmo em alta em Dezembro.

Suporte nos 4,53 (limite superior do rectângulo)
Resistência nos 5,66 (máximos de 2011)
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Mensagens: 35428
Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por Titleist » 8/11/2012 18:18


ameaçou a resistencia dos 4,50 mas acabou em cima da resistência dos 4,40
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"O $$$ foi feito para se gastar 8-), não para se perder :( ..."
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Registado: 5/12/2006 16:44
Localização: Estoril

por Titleist » 8/11/2012 10:55

AEGON : delivers strong earnings growth and increased value of new business

"During the third quarter, we were again able to capture the benefits of AEGON's strategic priorities, resulting in solid earnings growth, improved profitability of sales, lower expenses and a continued strong capital position."

Higher earnings driven by growth, lower expenses and favorable currency movements

Underlying earnings increase to EUR 472 million, including a positive effect of EUR 17 million as one-time provision releases were partly offset by the negative effect of assumption updates

Net income of EUR 374 million driven by higher underlying earnings, lower impairments and the non-recurrence of charges in the comparable quarter last year partly offset by higher taxes

Return on equity increases to 7.7%, and 8.6% excluding run-off businesses

Sales stable - higher accident & health sales offset by lower deposits

New life sales level at EUR 405 million; strong sales in the US offset by NL, UK and Spain
Accident & health sales increase 24% to EUR 190 million driven by growth in the Americas
Deposits decline 10% to EUR 9.4 billion, reflecting lower stable value deposits
Market consistent value of new business increases strongly to EUR 173 million as a result of product repricing and improved margins

Continued strong capital position and cash flows

* Capital base ratio of 75.0%, in line with target of at least 75% by year-end 2012
* IGDa) solvency ratio increases to 222%
* Operational free cash flow of EUR 448 million, excluding market impact of EUR (407) million
"O $$$ foi feito para se gastar 8-), não para se perder :( ..."
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Registado: 5/12/2006 16:44
Localização: Estoril

por Titleist » 9/8/2012 11:48

Aegon Pledges To Sit on Cash Pile as Earnings Surprise
AMSTERDAM--Dutch life insurance and pension company Aegon NV (>> AEGON) Thursday became the latest European insurer to post solid second-quarter earnings, but it pledged to sit on its growing cash pile to protect itself against the tough market climate.

Aegon reported a 37% drop in net profit to 254 million euros ($314 million) mainly because of a charge of EUR265 million to compensate unit-linked policyholders in the Netherlands. Excluding the charge and some other exceptional items, profits rose 10% to EUR443 million, beating market expectations.

Earnings got a boost from a 27% rise in sales to EUR1.6 billion, while they were also helped by cost savings and the stronger dollar. Aegon generates over two-thirds of its profits in the U.S., where it owns Transamerica Corp.

Chief Executive Alex Wynaendts said Aegon managed to squeeze out "a strong set of results," despite the uncertain market environment.

The European insurance industry is groaning under historically low interest rates and ongoing volatility in financial markets. A cloudy economic outlook and stricter regulations are also causing headaches.

But earnings reports of some of Aegon's rivals suggest that the industry is well-placed to cope with the turmoil. Last week, Germany's Allianz SE (>> Allianz SE), Europe's largest insurer by market value and premium income, was one of the star performers of the industry, posting a 39% increase in first-half net profit to EUR2.61 billion. And France's Axa, Europe's No. 2 insurer by market value, also reported strong earnings.

Aegon last year fully repaid the government bailout it received in 2008, when its finances were hit by investment losses. After cutting the government lifeline, it is allowed to make acquisitions again and pay dividends.

But apart from offering shareholders a EUR0.10-a-share interim dividend, Aegon said it will continue to sit on its cash pile. By the end of June, the buffer was EUR1.6 billion, from EUR1.4 billion in the first quarter and more than twice as large as its target of at least EUR750 million.

Some analysts suggest that it could put its excess capital to better use.

"Aegon is one of the strongest capitalized companies in the European insurance sector. [It] can use this strong capital position to grow business and gain market share," Cheuvreux analyst Hans Pluijgers said in a note.

Mr. Wynaendts signaled little appetite for acquisitions, however. "Maintaining a strong capital position is essential," he told a conference call.

Mr. Wynaendts said Aegon currently invests some of its excess capital in safe-haven government debt, despite the thin returns. "That's a price we're willing to pay. It's the right thing to do now," he said.

At 0930 GMT, Aegon shares traded 5.3% higher at EUR4.23, the biggest riser in Amsterdam's AEX market. The stock has gained around 36% since the start of this year.
"O $$$ foi feito para se gastar 8-), não para se perder :( ..."
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Registado: 5/12/2006 16:44
Localização: Estoril

por Titleist » 9/8/2012 11:41

AEGON : Posts 37% Drop in Net Profit; Underlying Profit Up 10%

AMSTERDAM--Dutch life insurance and pension company Aegon NV (AGN.AE) said Thursday that it reported a 37% drop in second-quarter net profit due to a charge of EUR265 million to compensate unit-linked policyholders in the Netherlands. The owner of U.S. insurer Transamerica said that underlying earnings rose 10%, helped by cost-cuts, business growth and a stronger dollar.


-Underlying earnings increase 10% to EUR 443 million.

-Net income falls 37% to EUR254 million, due to a one-time charge of EUR265 million before tax related to product improvements for unit-linked insurance policies in the Netherlands.

-Return on equity of 6.8%, or 7.7% excluding run-off businesses

-IGD solvency ratio increases to 216%; IGD surplus capital of EUR 8.3 billion

-Capital base ratio increases to 74.6%; on track to exceed minimum of 75% by the end of 2012

-Interim dividend of EUR 0.10 per common share

-Deposits up 45% to EUR 9.8 billion driven by sales of US pensions and new asset management mandates

-Accident and health sales increase 29% to EUR 187 million, driven mainly by growth in the Americas

-New life sales stable at EUR 428 million; strong US sales offset by lower sales in NL and UK
"O $$$ foi feito para se gastar 8-), não para se perder :( ..."
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Registado: 5/12/2006 16:44
Localização: Estoril

por Titleist » 9/8/2012 11:38

Grafico atualizado
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"O $$$ foi feito para se gastar 8-), não para se perder :( ..."
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Mensagens: 726
Registado: 5/12/2006 16:44
Localização: Estoril

por Elias » 26/3/2012 15:23

newtrade, conforme pediste deixo um par de gráficos da Aegon (actualizados com o fecho de sexta-feira passada).

Identifico uma zona de suporte nos 4 euros e duas resistências relevantes: uma primeira em torno dos 4,85 e uma outra, bem mais importante, nos 5,70.
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Mensagens: 35428
Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por newtrade » 16/3/2012 19:51

ELias uma atualizacao tua dava jeito se possivel ,subida impressionante nos ultimos tempos e com um volume avassalador nos ultimos tres quatro dias a negociar quatro e cinco vezes mais o volume normal.
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Registado: 12/10/2008 15:57
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por Elias » 17/2/2012 16:05

Aegon Profit Falls on Charges; Shares Rise on Longevity Swap
February 17, 2012, 8:44 AM EST

Feb. 17 (Bloomberg) -- Aegon NV, the Dutch owner of U.S. insurer Transamerica Corp., reported a 75 percent decline in fourth-quarter profit on reorganization costs and lower investment returns from equity markets and interest rates.

Net income fell to 79 million euros ($106 million) from 318 million euros a year earlier, the Hague-based insurer said today. The firm had 194 million euros in charges, including 48 million euros related to U.K. insurance policies.

The shares rose as the insurer said it completed a swap with Deutsche Bank AG to protect the firm against the risk of pensioners living longer than expected. Aegon, which makes most of its profit in the U.S., repeated that it aims to increase underlying pretax profit by 7 percent to 10 percent a year on average until 2015 and to post a return on equity of 10 percent to 12 percent.

“It’s positive that longevity risk has been reduced in the Dutch book,” Albert Ploegh, an Amsterdam-based analyst at ING Groep NV, wrote in a note today. “After several insurers had to take charges on the back of increased longevity, Aegon now appears to have tackled this issue.”

Shares of Aegon, whose Pyramid building is a landmark in San Francisco’s financial district, jumped as much as 7 percent in Amsterdam today. They were up 6.3 percent to 3.97 euros at 11:50 a.m. local time, giving the company a market value of 7.6 billion euros. That outpaced the 1.1 percent advance in the 28- company Bloomberg Europe 500 Insurance Index.

No Acquisitions

Aegon doesn’t plan a share buyback or acquisitions at this point, Chief Executive Officer Alex Wynaendts told analysts on a conference call today. He plans to continue a strategy of maintaining a strong capital position as market volatility will likely persist in coming years, even as the “bottom of the euro crisis is probably behind us.”

Profit missed the average estimate of 209 million euros in a Bloomberg survey of 10 analysts. Aegon said today it proposed a 2011 dividend of 10 cents per share, as the company had previously indicated. It would be the company’s first payout since 2008, when it took state aid during the financial crisis.

“The fourth-quarter result was mainly affected by one-off charges which we do not expect to occur in 2012,” Lemer Salah, an Amsterdam-based analyst at SNS Securities, said in a note. “We believe that the company is well positioned to achieve its objectives in the U.S. and Netherlands.”

Longevity Swap

Wynaendts said Aegon may do more transactions like today’s longevity swap, which will see Deutsche Bank protect 12 billion euros, or one-third of the reserves in the Dutch business. “The transaction reduces required capital at an attractive cost,” Aegon said.

The risk of pensioners living longer will be borne by investors rather than Deutsche Bank, the German bank said in a separate statement. It is the first transaction to place such risk wholly in the capital markets, it said.

In 2011, Aegon set aside 82 million euros to cover life- expectancy risks in the Netherlands, Wynaendts said in an interview today. The transaction today helps the insurer increase its capacity on the Dutch pension market.

Aegon’s value of new business, a measure of projected future profitability of new policies, fell 59 percent to 53 million euros in the fourth quarter. That is unsurprising given “the historic low interest rates” in the insurer’s key markets, Wynaendts told reporters on the call.

U.K., Dutch Charges

Underlying pretax profit, which excludes investment swings, fell 23 percent to 346 million euros, almost matching the average estimate of 347 million euros in a Bloomberg survey of 12 analysts. Earnings on this basis fell 17 percent in 2011.

In the Netherlands, Aegon wrote down 75 million euros on its distribution business in anticipation of a ban on commissions in life and pension products starting in 2013, Wynaendts said. The U.K. charges, which were related to fixing administrative errors, exceeded the estimate of Cor Kluis, an analyst at Rabobank International.

“With all these charges for the U.K. taken, the year 2012 should be a normal profit level,” Kluis, based in Utrecht, the Netherlands, said in a note.

Aegon’s profit goals rely on assumptions including a 4.75 percent U.S. 10-year bond yield for 2016, which is more than double the current 2 percent rate.

The U.S. Federal Reserve said last month that it sees “exceptionally low” interest rates through 2014, having previously pledged to refrain from raising borrowing costs until at least the middle of 2013. Insurers suffer from lower long- term interest rates as they hold back returns from bond investments and increase future liabilities.

--With assistance from Martijn van der Starre in Amsterdam and Kevin Crowley in London. Editors: Keith Campbell, Steve Bailey.

To contact the reporter on this story: Maud van Gaal in Amsterdam at mvangaal@bloomberg.net

To contact the editor responsible for this story: Frank Connelly at fconnelly@bloomberg.net
Mensagens: 35428
Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por Elias » 17/2/2012 15:55

Aegon apresentou prejuízos no 4º trimestre, sobe 7% e está à beira de superar a resistência dos 4 euros.
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Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por Elias » 7/2/2012 13:42

Os resultados sairão no dia 17 de Fevereiro.
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Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por Elias » 26/1/2012 19:42


A Aegon teve umas boas subidas mas aproxima-se agora de uma importante resistência: os 4 euros.
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Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por Tridion » 11/1/2012 14:06

Em contrapartida a Shell e a Unilever caem 2.5% e 3% respectivamente.
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por Elias » 11/1/2012 12:43

A ING também está cheia de força.
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Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

rompimento do triangulo simétrico

por vdap » 11/1/2012 12:30


Triângulo simétrico no Aegon, c/ rompimento superior, volume descendente na construção do triângulo e rompimento com bastante força.

A projecção do triângulo, dá um target de 4.50€.

No entanto, ainda não consigo ver os mercados europeus do lado BULL, e penso que estes breackouts que se têm assistido, vai apanhar "muita gente" com as calsas na mão...

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por tiopatinhas » 11/8/2011 11:16

Elias, não tens de pedir desculpa :!: Verifiquei a fragilidade e fiquei fora a vê-la sucumbir...
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por Elias » 11/8/2011 9:23

tiopatinhas Escreveu:Elias, seria bom estarmos atentos à base desta cotada :roll: Que achas :?:

tiopatinhas, aceita um pedido de desculpas mas só agora reparei no teu post de Junho (!)
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Registado: 5/11/2002 12:21
Localização: Barlavento

por Mares » 11/8/2011 9:17

Esta também está derretendo, a caminho de um "double dip".

É de acompanhar....
- A ganância dos outros poderá gerar-lhe lucros.
- A sua ganância poderá levá-lo à ruína.
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