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Uma oportunidade única para Portugal

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Re: Uma oportunidade única para Portugal

por Optimiza » 16/7/2019 3:20

O artigo do Ulisses aborda algumas das oportunidades e os riscos para o Estado português que os juros da dívida abaixo ou próximos de zero têm (tb fomentam, numa óptica privada o consumo, compra de imóveis, investimento produtivo e o emprego.

Sobre essa tónica, e se quiserem ver como por causa destas taxas do FED/BCE se prolonga e instiga um bull market leiam:
https://www.marketwatch.com/story/rate- ... o_homepage

Obrigatório ler: Artigo com uma perspectiva comparativa (não holística), sobre a dialética capital intensivo/nº de empregados/activos materiais em que se chega sempre à mesma conclusão: Numa economia de juros próximos de 0, é tanto maior a capitalização e a valorização da empresa quanto menor fôr o capital intensivo/nº de empregados/activos materiais para uma facturação comparável, e os lucros e o volume do passivo são secundarizados face ao crescimento potencial (mais importante do que o crescimento real).

https://www.marketwatch.com/story/how-i ... o_homepage

Esta proto-visão disruptiva está actualmente certa (as bolsas que mais sobem são aquelas que têm mais empresas "desmaterializadas"), mas logo que as taxas de juro comecem a subir, mais de 200 basis points (via inflação, pleno emprego sectorial), retornaremos à doutrina económica secular: crescimento real, geração de lucros e passivo controlado determinam o aumento das capitalizações bolsistas.
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Aquele que deixa de ser melhor, deixa de ser bom! Aristóteles
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Re: Uma oportunidade única para Portugal

por BearManBull » 16/7/2019 1:03

Este artigo podia ter sido escrito á 3 anos e seria tão válido como agora. De momento a poupança serviu apenas de ajuda para controlar o défice, mais nada.
“It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent, but rather the one most adaptable to change.”
― Leon C. Megginson
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Re: Uma oportunidade única para Portugal

por Ugly bull » 15/7/2019 20:44

É pena o impacto das ZIRP ser catastrófico para as poupanças, nomeadamente para os fundos de pensões mas também para os bancos.
Infelizmente a unica forma de os países e empresas zombie sobreviverem ao peso esmagador da dívida é através das ZIRP, visto que não têm capacidade nem engenho para se reinventar e sair por si próprias do atoleiro em que se meteram.

A imagem que me vem à cabeça é a do banhista a afogar-se que, na ansia de se salvar, leva o nadador-salvador com ele.

A propósito, saiu o relatório ECA com o diagnóstico nada abonatório sobre o trabalho que o ECB tem vindo a fazer. Lembra-me o trabalho que o Banco de Portugal tem vindo a fazer nas décadas de ouro do euro.

https://wolfstreet.com/2019/07/15/europ ... ors-warns/

Stress Test a Sham, European Court of Auditors Warns

This is just one of the many problems the Court of Auditors has identified with Europe’s latest stress test. Here are the other main ones:

1. Some of the riskiest banks were excluded from the test. The number of participating banks has consistently fallen since the first round of stress tests. In 2011, 90 banks in 21 countries participated. By 2018 the number had shrunk to 48 banks in 15 (out of 28) countries. Some of the banks that have fallen off the radar are among the most at risk, including lenders that:

Have recently been subject to restructuring or a merger.
Are from countries where banks have considerable exposure to their own sovereign bonds (e.g. Italy).
Have a high concentration of non-performing loans (e.g. Greece; Cyprus, Portugal and Bulgaria).

2. The adverse scenario did not even contemplate some of the most important systemic threats facing Europe’s banking sector. A financial stress test is only as good as the scenarios on which it is based. In its latest test the scenario cooked up by the EBA not only failed to reflect the risks posed by a likely future reality, it didn’t even reflect the risks posed by the current one.

In its latest stress test, the EBA tested banks against an economic downturn rather than a shock stemming primarily from failures in the financial system, even though it was this kind of shock that triggered the last major crisis. In fact, it “did not even use an event or a risk within the EU” as a trigger for the adverse scenario. “Nor was consideration given to an event or a risk from within the banking sector,” despite the myriad systemic risks (nonperforming loans, struggling Italian lenders, Deutsche Bank, …) that continue to linger there.

Here’s a list of the systemic banking threats the EBA’s last stress test largely or completely ignored.

Non-performing loans, despite the fact they were the cause of most bank bail-outs after the financial crisis and remain a significant threat to financial stability, as the ECB itself warned just last month.
Banks’ liquidity risks. The stress tests focused exclusively on bank solvency, completely ignoring liquidity issues, even though liquidity risks are rapidly rising across many different financial markets, as the Bank of England recently cautioned.
Negative interest rates, which are seen as one of the biggest obstacles to banks making money and which are expected to become even more negative in the near future.
Other adverse effects of central bank policy. Given that the ECB was heavily involved in the EBA’s scenario development, it’s perhaps no surprise that the ill-effects of its monetary policy decisions were not (and never have been) considered as a trigger for an adverse scenario.

3. The adverse scenario was a lot less severe than the 2008 financial crisis. For 23 out of the EU’s 28 Member States, the projected impact on GDP of the adverse scenario for the 2018 test was less pronounced than the financial crisis, with the UK, Malta, Belgium, Sweden and Poland being the only ones that fared worse. The projected effects on unemployment, credit spreads on sovereign bonds and banks’ capital levels were also far milder than those experienced during the financial crisis.

This begs the question: how is it possible to gauge whether European banks are better equipped than ten years ago to withstand a severe stress if the adverse scenario is a lot less severe than the last crisis?

4. Banks’ calculations remain a black box to the EBA. In limiting its role to broadly coordinating stress-test activities, the EBA “makes no genuine efforts to ensure reliability and comparability” of the results produced by the participating banks, many of which have grown so big, complex and opaque that it’s virtually impossible to form an accurate impression of what’s really happening on and off their books.

The EBA did not conduct any on-site inspections to verify the data provided by the participating banks. Nor did it take steps to ensure the relevant “competent authority” (either the ECB or the respective national central bank) was carrying out rigorous checks on the data provided by the banks. In fact, to handle the entire work load of the 2018 stress test exercise, the EBA appointed “around seven” full-time employees.

O relatório do European Court of Auditors (ECA):

https://www.eca.europa.eu/Lists/ECADocu ... EST_EN.pdf

“When things get serious, you have to lie” – Jean-Claude Juncker.
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Uma oportunidade única para Portugal

por Ulisses Pereira » 15/7/2019 11:19

Foi hoje publicado o meu novo artigo intitulado "Uma oportunidade única para Portugal":


"Acreditar é possuir antes de ter..."

Ulisses Pereira

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