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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 24/1/2018 18:43

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 24/1/2018 18:41

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 24/1/2018 18:39

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 23/1/2018 22:41

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 23/1/2018 22:39

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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 23/1/2018 22:38

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 23/1/2018 22:34

“Do not chase breakouts. If you miss a breakout, just count it as a missed trade. Dogs that chase cars end up under the wheels.”
Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Registado: 20/10/2004 12:16

Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 23/1/2018 22:26

“If you don't know precisely what a signal is for you and how you will size/manage the trade -- stop trading.”
Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Registado: 20/10/2004 12:16

Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 22/1/2018 21:39

Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 22/1/2018 21:16

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 22/1/2018 20:20

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 22/1/2018 20:19

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 22/1/2018 20:18

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 22/1/2018 20:17

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 19/1/2018 15:44

You can't be a little bit pregnant, either you have a system that you trade or you don't have a system.
Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Registado: 20/10/2004 12:16

Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 19/1/2018 15:02

What are the most common investment mistakes made by most stock market investors across the world?

Jack Schwager, Author of Market Wizards series, Co-founder of FundSeeder

Perhaps the biggest mistake stock market investors make is to assume that they have some edge in picking investments when, in fact, they don’t even have any defined methodology or at least not any methodology with a demonstrated edge in the market. Every stock market investor should ask themselves on what basis are they assuming that the choices they make will outperform a stock market index. The truth is that for most investors, there is no basis for this assumption. In fact, human instincts are so poorly attuned to making market decisions that most people will make decisions that are worse than random. Yes, I do mean to imply that most people will do worse than the proverbial monkey picking stocks by throwing darts at financial quote pages.

Joel Greenblatt, Managing Principal and Co-Chief Investment Officer of Gotham Funds, whom I interviewed in Hedge Fund Market Wizards, related a natural experiment that occurred in a stock recommendation website he ran. The website provided a list of recommended stocks based on value investing formulas developed by Greenblatt. Users could access these recommendations for free, managing their own portfolios, or they could pay to have their portfolios professionally managed off of the same list. Even though both sets of users were investing in portfolios based on the same list of recommended stocks, those that made their own selections did much worse, destroying virtually the entire return realized in the managed portfolios. When I asked Greenblatt why he thought the self-directed investors did so much worse, he answered:

They took their exposure down when the market fell. They tended to sell when individual stocks or their portfolios as a whole underperformed. They did much worse than random in selecting the stocks from our prescreened list, probably because by avoiding the stocks that were particularly painful to own, they missed some of the biggest winners.

As I write this in January 2018, nearly nine years into an historic bull market, I know many readers will think: I have been picking my own stocks and doing really well. Clearly, I am a skilled investor. Some readers may indeed be warranted in drawing such a conclusion, but I suspect the majority would be better served by considering the words of Humphrey B. Neill on this matter: “Don't confuse brains with a bull market.” Given the one-directional market we have seen in recent years, it would have been hard to be an investor in equities and not make money. The question is not whether you have been profitable, but rather whether you have been more profitable than the equity indexes. Or perhaps an even more pertinent question would be whether your performance measured in return/risk terms has been better than the market indexes.

Although I believe the efficient market hypothesis is flawed—why would require far too lengthy a tangential discussion to address here—ironically, most investors would be better off acting as if the theory were true. That is the say, most stock investors would be better off in the long run if they simply bought a low-cost fund or ETF rather than making their own stock selections. Of course, when such long-term investments are made is still critically important, which brings us to the next common investor mistake.

Most investors tend to get excited about stock investing after the market has been going up for many years and valuations are generally well above average. Conversely, they tend to withdraw assets from the market and become very negative toward stock investing during and in the immediate years after a large stock market decline. A general piece of advice I would offer to all stock investors is to maximize their investments during years when the stock market is hated and minimize their investments when stock investing is popular and the bull market is the subject of newspaper headlines and magazine covers.
Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Registado: 20/10/2004 12:16

Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 19/1/2018 14:51

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 19/1/2018 10:23

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 19/1/2018 10:11

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 18/1/2018 22:49

Pois é Ulisses, já o velho Leonardo dizia:

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por Ulisses Pereira » 18/1/2018 14:55

Esta última não conhecia e é genial. :clap:

"Acreditar é possuir antes de ter..."

Ulisses Pereira

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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 18/1/2018 14:28

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 18/1/2018 14:27

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 17/1/2018 16:29

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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Re: Scrapbook

por cmgm » 17/1/2018 16:27

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Jesus saves. Moses invest.
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