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Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 6/10/2018 20:31
por Bedrock Plus
Será que o Real Madrid está também a boicotar o Caldeirão? É que em tempos este tópico rolava como uma viatura biturbo, agora parece um motor de aspiração atmosférica mas com oxigénio rarefeito. Seja como for, eu continuo a acreditar que o Caldeirão é um dos melhores foruns, assim como o Ronaldo continua a ser um dos melhores do mundo. A propósito disto, há que relevar que ainda há CEO's com bom senso e não precipitados:

"Marca de lingerie sai em defesa de Cristiano Ronaldo
CEO da Yamamay lembra que presunção de inocência é sempre válida"
. :lol:

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 5/10/2018 2:48
por Bedrock Plus

Teoria moderna do portfólio

MensagemEnviado: 5/10/2018 1:27
por Rick Lusitano (New)
Bedrock Plus Escreveu:Imagem

Isso é tudo muito bonito, mas é muito teórico e nem sempre se consegue aplicar na realidade por diversos motivos...

Para os interessados, isto é tratado na Teoria moderna do portfólio.

Espero que não fiques aborrecido comigo e nem os CFA. :wink:

Com o cada vez maior avanço em Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning e Big Data, os financeiros vão ficando obsoletos.

Por isso, se calhar a necessidade do CFA Institute de também adicionar "Fintech in Investment Management" nos curriculums dos Level I e II para manter na mesa do jogo, os financeiros. Inclui:
- Cryptocurrencies;
- Blockchain;
- Artificial intelligence;
- Machine learning;
- Big data;
- Automated trading.

Bloomberg - ‘This Is Not a Passing Fad’: CFA Exam Adds Crypto, Blockchain Topics (July 16, 2018)

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 4/10/2018 23:02
por Bedrock Plus
Quando a rapaziada estiver stressada por estar a perder demasiado dinheiro no mercado acionista, sugiro que se juntem a uns amigos e partilhem um bom vinho tinto juntamente com um bom portfolio de ativos gastronómicos, como o que está ilustrado nas fotos seguintes, ao mesmo tempo que se ouve, em fundo, a música "No more drama" (não vale a pena dramatizar as perdas senão ainda perdemos mais de seguida, dado o princípio de arrastamento da volatilidade): :lol: :idea:



Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 4/10/2018 10:33
por Bedrock Plus
Olhem para os 2 versos seguintes da canção “No more drama” (Mary J. Blige) ... até parece que a autora se cansou de investir no mercado acionista de curto prazo (no pain, no gain). :lol: :idea:

What a player fool
Go through ups and downs
Nowhere and all the time
You wouldn't be around
Or maybe I like the stress
Cause I was young and restless
But there was long ago
I don't wanna cry no more.

No more pain (no more pain)
No more game (no more game messin with my mind)
No drama (no more drama in my life)
Nooone's gonna make me hurt again
No more tears (no more tears, I'm tired of cryin everynight)
No more…

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s5nKdr5bRFA (cover melhor que o original)

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 17:51
por Bedrock Plus
Uma frase feita errada, com significado para os católicos e não só: "o limite é o céu", quando o limite será o infinito (ou a fronteira do finito), pelo menos é aquilo que me dizem algumas funções matemáticas, e eu acho que o infinito está para além do céu, se é que existe. :D

O limite de um super antibiótico será não ter apenas uma ação totalmente biocida para todas as estirpes bacterianas presentemente conhecidas, mas também para as estirpes que futuramente se venham a descobrir e que sejam patogénicas.

No mercado bolsista, o limite superior não é quando estou a ganhar, mas sim quando, efetivamente, liquido esses mesmos ganhos. Ou seja, é preciso que esses ganhos passem para o interior dos meus bolsos para que sejam realmente ganhos.

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 17:16
por Bedrock Plus
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Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 16:28
por Bedrock Plus
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Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 15:55
por Bedrock Plus
Thoth Escreveu:Tens alguma razão no que dizes em relação ao lixo.
Só estranhei os teus apelos à partilha quando já foste banido várias vezes :twisted:

Eu neste tópico, e se calhar no fórum em geral, fui dos que foram banidos mais vezes, sabes porquê? Porque odeio o "politicamente correto", porque odeio a cobardia da não reação a insultos explícitos ou implícitos, porque odeio ingratidões.

Achas que eu fiquei preocupado por ser banido tantas vezes? Achas que eu perdi alguma coisa por ter sido banido, ou será que outros perderam mais do que eu? (É que eu perdi Zero)

Mais vale ser banido várias vezes e ter no tópico um track record de posts de ideias de "não mais do mesmo", do que nunca ter sido banido e apresentar um registo desprovido de ideias próprias, ou seja, ser um user tipo "mata borrão" em que só sabe absorver as ideias alheias.

Eu sou intuitivo e com boa perceção do conteúdo oculto das entrelinhas, como diria o amigo Alquimista: às vezes também consigo ver para além da linha do horizonte, como estivesse a observar por cima dos ombros de um gigante.
Eu topei-te logo no 1º post de hoje e pressentia que tu virias com essa falta de argumentos ao chamares a atenção para o facto de ter sido banido várias vezes.

Sabes que ser banido é diferente de ser criminoso, e, até à presente data, o meu registo criminal é totalmente limpo e bacteriologicamente puro.

Será que há uma relação direta entre a falta de química entre mim e um administrador e o n.º expulsões?

Há um princípio básico que eu recomendo a todos: quando estamos stressados, a perder dinheiro e, de um modo geral, chateados com a vida, o melhor remédio é aumentarmos a frequência do sexo, isto porque o ato favorece a libertação de oxitocina, dopamina, serotonina, adrenalina e outras endorfinas do prazer e bem-estar.

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 14:54
por Bedrock Plus
Successful investing isn't about timing the market, it's about time in the market. (Eric Roberge)

Even if you think investing right before a market crash is a bad idea, if you're goal is long-term growth, it's better to be in the market a long time than it is to time it. (Eric Roberge)

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 14:48
por Thoth
Tens alguma razão no que dizes em relação ao lixo.
Só estranhei os teus apelos à partilha quando já foste banido várias vezes :twisted:

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 14:36
por Bedrock Plus
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Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 12:26
por Bedrock Plus
Thoth Escreveu:Sim, neste caso não é a segunda pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo.
Obrigado pela correção ... e lá estamos nós a gerar views com lixo :mrgreen: 8-)

Sabes que o conceito de lixo é muito relativo, porque para ti o lixo pode significar desperdícios/rejeitados, mas eu posso olhar para o lixo não como desperdícios de fim de linha, sem qualquer interesse ou valor, mas sim como uma matéria capaz de ainda gerar valor (energético, orgânico, por exemplo).

Para mim "lixo absoluto" é não postar, pois isso corresponde, matematicamente, a uma nulidade de partilha de ideias, e, por outro lado, se todos não postassem, isso implicaria a inexistência do tópico, logo seria mau para aqueles que tiram alguns dividendos, monetários ou não, do mesmo.

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 11:32
por Thoth
Sim, neste caso não é a segunda pessoa do singular do presente do indicativo.
Obrigado pela correção ... e lá estamos nós a gerar views com lixo :mrgreen: 8-)

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 11:26
por Bedrock Plus
Thoth Escreveu:Se o caldeirão paga-se alguma coisa até podia vir todos os dias postar ... nem que fosse lixo :twisted: :mrgreen:

Ao escreveres "paga-se" no enquadramento da frase, produziste um autêntico lixo gramatical. :twisted: 8-)

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 11:02
por Thoth
Se o caldeirão paga-se alguma coisa até podia vir todos os dias postar ... nem que fosse lixo :twisted: :mrgreen:

Re: Brasil

MensagemEnviado: 3/10/2018 10:54
por Bedrock Plus
Rick Lusitano (New) Escreveu: @BR, foste ao casino de Ipanema outra vez? :wink:

Sou mais virado para Ipanema MILFs ( MILF >= 2 * babe) do que para Ipanema Casino. Para derreter dinheiro, no curto prazo, já basta o mercado acionista. :lol:

Rick, eu pensava que no tópico já tinham aparecido jovens, cheios de garra, a bombar, por forma a aliviar a velha guarda ativa e hiperativa, mas afinal a juventude e os novatos estão cada vez mais preguiçosos e com falta de missão de partilha.

Por vezes, é preciso alguém disruptivo vir agitar as águas e aumentar a entropia do sistema com vista à cristalização e sedimentação de ideias.

A rapaziada que anda a ver o tópico por trás da cortina, deve-se registar, perder o medo e/ou a preguiça e vir postar sem receios, porque de preguiça já nos basta o investimento passivo. :twisted: 8-)


MensagemEnviado: 2/10/2018 23:08
por Rick Lusitano (New)
No Brasil, rally nas acções e no Real com a possibilidade da Extrema-Direita ganhar as eleições. Há-de existir apostas especulativas baseadas na possível vitória de Bolsonaro.

@BR, foste ao casino de Ipanema outra vez? :wink:

Seeking Alpha Escreveu:
Brazil.JPG (85.93 KiB) Visualizado 18162 vezes

Seeking Alpha - Brazil stocks, currency rally as far-right presidential candidate extends lead (Oct. 2, 2018 11:54 AM ET)

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 2/10/2018 15:57
por Bedrock Plus
The Risk Of An ETF Driven Liquidity Crash.

“Free riding is one of the oldest problems in economics and in society in general. Simply put, free riding describes a situation where one party takes the benefits of an economic condition without contributing anything to sustain that condition.

This is the problem of ‘active’ versus ‘passive’ investors.

The active investor contributes to markets while trying to make money in them.

A passive investor is a parasite. The passive investor simply buys an index fund, sits back and enjoys the show. Since markets mostly go up, the passive investor mostly makes money but contributes nothing to price discovery.”

Quantitative investing based on computer formulas and trading by machines directly are leaving the traditional stock picker in the dust and now dominating the equity markets, according to a new report from JPMorgan.

‘While fundamental narratives explaining the price action abound, the majority of equity investors today don’t buy or sell stocks based on stock specific fundamentals,‘ Marko Kolanovic, global head of quantitative and derivatives research at JPMorgan, said in a Tuesday note to clients.

Kolanovic estimates ‘fundamental discretionary traders’ account for only about 10 percent of trading volume in stocks. Passive and quantitative investing accounts for about 60 percent, more than double the share a decade ago, he said.

‘Derivatives, quant fund flows, central bank policy and political developments have contributed to low market volatility’, Kolanovic said. Moreover, he said, ‘big data strategies are increasingly challenging traditional fundamental investing and will be a catalyst for changes in the years to come.’”

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“This chart reveals the most dangerous trend in investing today. Since the last financial crisis, $2.5 trillion has been added to “passive” equity strategies and $2.0 trillion has been withdrawn from “active” investment strategies. This means more investors are free riding on the research of fewer investors. When sentiment turns, the passive crowd will find there are few buyers left in the market.

When the market goes down, passive fund managers will be forced to sell stocks in order to track the index. This selling will force the market down further and force more selling by the passive managers. This dynamic will feed on itself and accelerate the market crash.”

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"Nevertheless, the seismic shift into indexing has come with some unexpected consequences, including price distortion. New research shows that it has inflated share prices for a number of popular stocks. A lot of trading now is based not on fundamentals but on low fees. These ramifications have only intensified as active managers have increasingly been pushed to the side.”

As Frank notes, the problem with even 35% of the market being “passive” is the liquidity issues surrounding the market as a whole. With more ETF’s than individual stocks, and the number of outstanding shares traded being reduced by share buybacks, the risk of a sharp and disorderly reversal remains due to compressed credit and liquidity risk premia. As a result, market participants need to be mindful of the risks of diminished market liquidity, asset price discontinuities, and contagion across asset markets.

The risk of a disorderly unwinding due to a lack of liquidity was highlighted by the head of the BOE, Mark Carney.

“Market adjustments to date have occurred without significant stress. However, the risk of a sharp and disorderly reversal remains given the compressed credit and liquidity risk premia. As a result, market participants need to be mindful of the risks of diminished market liquidity, asset price discontinuities and contagion across asset markets.’”

In other words, the problem with passive investing is simply that it works, until it doesn’t.

https://realinvestmentadvice.com/the-ri ... ity-crash/

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 2/10/2018 14:32
por Bedrock Plus
"Smart" is the ability to solve problems. Solving problems is the ability to get stuff done. And getting stuff done requires way more than math proofs and rote memorization." (Morgan Housel) :clap: :idea:

It’s not the size of your circle of competence that matters, but rather how accurate your assessment of it is. (Gary Mishuries) :clap: :idea:

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 1/10/2018 15:51
por Bedrock Plus
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Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 29/9/2018 23:18
por news_js

É possível subscrever em Portugal fundos Vanguard? Onde e em que condições? Obrigado.

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 28/9/2018 10:49
por Bedrock Plus
Fund Managers' Current Asset Allocation - September 2018

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Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 27/9/2018 16:05
por Bedrock Plus
Dumb Alpha: Trailing or Forward Earnings?

By Joachim Klement, CFA

Posted In: Drivers of Value, Quantitative Methods.

"Value investing is a form of creating dumb alpha. After all, in its simplest iteration, value investing boils down to selecting stocks with the lowest price-to-earnings (P/E) ratio or lowest price-to-book (P/B) ratio. What could be simpler than that?

But alas, the financial industry, in its eternal drive to make things more complicated than they need to be, has managed to confuse investors about this concept as well.

All too often, investment reports or the financial media maintain that a stock is attractively valued because its forward P/E ratio is such and such. These kinds of statements have become a pet peeve of mine. Why? Because very few people ever stop to check if forward P/E ratios are actually predictive of future outperformance.

All the studies on the value factor have been conducted with trailing P/B and trailing P/E ratios, not forward P/E ratios. Recognizing this difference is critical to becoming a successful value investor.

Picking Value Stocks Based on P/E.

To demonstrate how reliable P/E ratios are as a source of dumb alpha, I took the current index constituents of four major stock market indices: the S&P 500 in the United States, the FTSE 350 in the United Kingdom, the Euro StoXX 300 in the eurozone, and the Nikkei 225 in Japan. For each, I chose the 20% of stocks with the lowest P/E ratios and compared their average returns to the 20% of stocks with the highest P/E ratios going back monthly for the past 20 years. I first used trailing 12-month P/E ratios for each stock and then switched to forward 12-month P/E ratios. For the latter, I followed common practice and used the P/E ratio calculated with Institutional Brokers’ Estimates System (I/B/E/S) consensus earnings forecasts.

The results of the exercise are instructive: In the United States, the cheapest quintile of stocks based on trailing P/E outperformed the most expensive by 1.2% per year. When using forward P/E ratios, on the other hand, the most affordable stocks underperformed the priciest by 1% annually. In other words, relying on forward P/E ratios destroyed performance!

In the United Kingdom, the picture is not quite as bad. Sorting stocks based on trailing P/E led to a 10.1% annual outperformance by the cheap stocks, while sorting based on forward P/E created a 7.4% outperformance. But here again, employing forward P/E was significantly less successful than trailing P/E.

In the eurozone, based on trailing P/E, inexpensive stocks did 4.6% better per year compared to 3.5% for forward P/E. And finally, even in Japan using trailing P/E led to a 6.6% annual outperformance by the cheapest quintile of stocks compared to just a 0.6% outperformance with forward P/E.

Forward P/E Is Useless: Discuss.

These exercises demonstrate that, regardless of region, relying on forward P/E ratios as a value indicator is less effective than trailing P/E ratios and can sometimes completely destroy the value premium investors seek to harvest. The same picture emerges when risk-adjusted returns are the measure of success or if country or sector indices are employed instead of single stocks.

Why don’t forward P/E ratios work as a measure of value? The answer is rooted in analysts’ estimates of future company earnings. As I demonstrated in the second installment of this series, analysts are terrible at predicting interest rates, exchange rates, or stock market performance over the coming 12 months. And they are similarly inept at predicting company earnings. In fact, using trailing 12-month earnings is typically a better predictor than analyst-estimated forward earnings. This is why trailing P/E ratios do a better job at selecting value stocks than forward P/Es.

What explains the lack of accuracy in forward earnings estimates? Quite simply, analysts are overly optimistic. Forward earnings are, on average, about 10% higher than subsequently realized earnings. However, this excess of optimism is not stable over time or across stocks. Paul Hribar and John McInnis show that analyst overoptimism rises when investor sentiment is buoyant — particularly for growth stocks with hard-to-estimate future earnings. And recent research by Ulrike Malmendier and Devin Shanthikumar demonstrates that while analysts on average are overly optimistic, those affiliated with an underwriter of a company’s securities tend to be strategically overoptimistic and thus systematically distort their forecasts.

Of course, Ben Graham, the founder of value investing, knew this a long time ago. In The Intelligent Investor, he wrote, “While enthusiasm may be necessary for great accomplishments elsewhere, on Wall Street it almost invariably leads to disaster.”

In the spirit of dumb alpha, then, we can say that simple trailing P/E ratios are far better value indicators than forward P/E ratios. Or as I tell my colleagues at work: “Never ever use forward P/E ratios. Ever.”

Re: Fundos à la carte

MensagemEnviado: 27/9/2018 14:53
por Bedrock Plus
Make Hay While The Sun Shines.

“Why are some physicians more financially adept than others? What are the keys to success?
There is an old adage that states, “Personal finance is both personal and finance.” That is to say, there are two components to success: behavior and math. Most experts agree that 80 percent of success in personal finance is due to optimizing your behavior and only 20 percent is due to learning the rules of the game.

But I Can Make The Payments.

Many physicians appropriately struggle with the decision of whether to direct additional income toward investments or debt reduction. This becomes particularly problematic when the debt is at a very low interest rate, such as some student loans and many mortgages. It seems mathematically obvious that, even with some additional risk, the investor is likely to outperform the guaranteed 1–3 percent return from paying off low-interest-rate debt. However, what often happens is money that would have gone toward the debt is spent rather than invested. After a while, you’re “borrowing at 2 percent” to pay for your Caribbean vacation, that ski trip, and the Tesla in the driveway. This “I can make the payments” mentality actually slows the accumulation of wealth despite being, theoretically, mathematically superior.

Climbing red rocksSnowballing vs Avalanching.

The best way to combat this natural behavioral tendency is to have a written plan for debt elimination, such as paying off student loans within three years or your mortgage within 10 years. Paying off even low-interest-rate debt early is a good idea, but you don’t want to be foolish about it. For example, it would be silly to send extra money to the mortgage lender when you are not contributing enough to your 401(k) to get the entire employer match.When trying to eliminate or reduce debt, the mathematically correct thing to do is to pay the minimum on all the debts in order to avoid additional fees and penalties, then use any extra income to pay down the debt with the highest interest rate. Despite that fact, financial coaches have advocated a different approach for years, putting the additional income toward the smallest debt regardless of interest rate. What these “soldiers in the trenches” have learned, which was recently confirmed by a Harvard study, is that people are more likely to get out of debt faster when they feel they are making progress. Behaviorally, it feels like you are making more progress when you have fewer debts and are writing fewer checks each month, even if the total debt is slightly larger. This is often called a “debt snowball” because as the number of debts decrease, borrowers feel they are gaining momentum and are more likely to complete the task simply because they stick with the task longer and put more money toward the debt rather than spending it.

Avoid Gambling With Investments.

Another area where bad behavior trips up investors is in investment selection. The psychological rush that some people get from gambling can be re-created by selecting a winning individual stock, an actively managed mutual fund, or a hedge fund. However, this is not only a losing strategy mathematically (since most stock pickers, mutual fund managers, and hedge funds underperform the market over the long run), it is a losing strategy behaviorally. By focusing on choosing investments, the investor doesn’t focus on what matters most: saving more money, using an appropriately risky asset allocation, minimizing fees, and paying less in taxes. Investing primarily in boring old index mutual funds will help the physician investor not only mathematically but also behaviorally.

Artificially Maintain a Gradually Increasing Standard of Living.

Happiness studies show that we rapidly acclimate to a higher income and higher levels of spending. The best strategy for maximizing happiness is to have a constantly increasing standard of living throughout life. However, this does not line up well with a typical emergency physician career and earnings pathway. Therefore, wise physicians will create this scenario artificially by growing into their attending income as slowly as possible after residency. Having to decrease spending in mid to late career in order to accumulate an adequate retirement nest egg is psychologically painful. Of course, that pain would be less than a dramatically decreased lifestyle in mid-retirement due to running out of money!

Prepare For An Income Drop.

Finally, it is critical for emergency physicians to realize that the future may not resemble the past. Emergency physicians currently make one of the highest hourly rates in the entire house of medicine. Over the past decade, many specialties in medicine have seen pay cuts of 25 percent or more. Emergency medicine could be next. The current and potential financial pressures on the incomes of emergency physicians cannot be ignored. Emergency physicians would be wise to “make hay while the sun shines” by maintaining a high savings rate, eliminating debt early in their careers, and investing wisely. If you expect a 25 percent drop in income halfway through your career and it doesn’t materialize, you’ll be that much better off. If you don’t plan on that increasingly likely possibility, you may find yourself working far more night shifts than you prefer in your 60s.

Personal finance is both personal and financial. Be sure you attack it from both behavioral and mathematical perspectives.
What do you think? In what ways have you ignored the mathematical ramifications in order to improve your own behavior?”

https://www.whitecoatinvestor.com/make- ... un-shines/