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Antóniomanuel Trading

Espaço dedicado a todo o tipo de troca de impressões sobre os mercados financeiros e ao que possa condicionar o desempenho dos mesmos.

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por _Bullish_ » 14/8/2014 14:03

AntónioManuel Escreveu:Fecho na Mota
Motivo: indisciplina, abertura fora do plano. Abertura de posição a antecipar o padrão, no lugar de a fazer depois dele lá estar concluído.

Acho que hoje simplesmente não é um bom dia para curtos.
Tentei um que não atingiu o meu preço de venda por isso não se concretizou. E até ver ainda bem porque apenas anda a lateralizar.
Curtos hoje, talvez seja contra a maré.

PS: Aliás hoje fechei um "longo" aberto ontem para realizar a mais valia, e mais valia ter deixado correr os ganhos.
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Mensagens: 84
Registado: 21/7/2014 21:24

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por soso » 14/8/2014 11:55

Se a cotação da Galp recuperar em alta a MM200 (~12,4), colocas a hipótese de fechar o curto?

Eu ainda não abri um longo, apenas por causa daqueles que logo, costumam decidir em CAUSA PRÓPRIA!!!!

Julgo que se está a pôr a jeito para fechar o gap nos 12,785€.

Cumprimentos bolsistas :wink: .
1886 – Estátua da Liberdade; oferecida pelos Franceses como aniversário do 1º século de independência dos EUA
A estátua era um símbolo da democracia e das leis
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Mensagens: 2024
Registado: 4/2/2008 13:37
Localização: Coimbra

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 14/8/2014 11:20

Fecho na Mota
Motivo: indisciplina, abertura fora do plano. Abertura de posição a antecipar o padrão, no lugar de a fazer depois dele lá estar concluído.
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por Primvs » 14/8/2014 9:32

AntónioManuel Escreveu:Abertura de Curto na Mota

Caro Tó Manel :mrgreen: ,

você é tramado!!!! É so ferrar na Mota!

Eu é que nao gostava de ser seu inimigo!!!! :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

Um abraço e boa sorte!
É da vida...
Mensagens: 2983
Registado: 6/2/2007 16:36
Localização: Alverca

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 14/8/2014 9:08

Abertura de Curto na Mota
mota curto.png
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 13/8/2014 16:38

Ponto da situação do trade Curto na Galp
galp ponto.png
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 13/8/2014 16:34

Fecho na Mota nem perda nem lucro
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 13/8/2014 9:23

Fecho da posição através do stop com perda pequena
Para já o motivo foi ter apertado o stop.
Gráfico a 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 13/8/2014 0:14

12 Simple Trading Principles That Lead to Profitability

August 11th, 2014 | Author: Stephen Burns

1. If the stock market is in an up trend trade primarily on the long side and in a down trend short rallies primarily. The best way to lose money in the stock market is to fight the prevailing trend.
2. Do not trade without a detailed trading plan covering entries, exits, position sizing, maximum positions at one time, risk management, and rules that will apply to your own trading psychology.
3. Do not make trades based on your own emotions of fear and greed instead seek to capitalize on trading the fear and greed of other traders.
4. Find ways to quantify and back test price support and resistance levels and then trade in the direction of the trend in your time frame.
5. Enter trades where your potential for upside profit is much greater than your risk of loss. Be prepared to exit a losing trade if the price goes to a level that shows you that you are probably wrong. Be prepared to let a winner run as far as it will go with a trailing stop.
6. Position size and set stop losses so if you are wrong you will lose no more than 1% of your total trading capital. This will change a string of losses from a blow up to a small draw down and your wins can be as big as the trend allows.
7. Limit your total risk exposure so that you can never lose more than 3% at one time if all your open trades go against you at the same time.
8. Focus your trading on a small watch list of trading vehicles that you are very knowledgeable about and understand their historical price history in detail.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 12/8/2014 23:07

Ponto da situação nas posições Curtas na galp, JM, e Mota
Gráfico 4h
Gráfico 4h
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 12/8/2014 8:14

Abertura de Curto na mota
curto mota.png
Gráfico 4h
mota curto 2.png
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 11/8/2014 21:52

Ponto da situação dos trades curtos na JM e Galp
Gráfico 4h
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 11/8/2014 14:24

burns.png (327.71 KiB) Visualizado 6415 vezes
Editado pela última vez por AntónioManuel em 11/8/2014 21:57, num total de 1 vez.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 11/8/2014 13:30

indian_joe Escreveu:Caro António Manuel,

Acompanho seu tópico desde o inicio e aprecio as a maioria das suas intervenções. Pelo que li de um seu post anterior encontra-se curto na JM, julgo que a curto prazo iremos assistir a um rally ascendente. Além de ter tocado na linha inferior do seu canal descendente, existe um pormenor curioso que ocorre com os volumes nos dias que precedem os rally's ascendentes.

José Graça

Olá José, aquilo que apresenta no Gráfico e escreveu faz sentido, eu próprio também vejo a possibilidade de um movimento ascendente no PSI20. Em relação á minha posição, embora esteja ligeiramente positiva, neste momento não estou muito convicto e estou muito atento a cada vela, mas de qualquer maneira tenho lá o stoploss.
António Manuel
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por indian_joe » 10/8/2014 23:59

Caro António Manuel,

Acompanho seu tópico desde o inicio e aprecio as a maioria das suas intervenções. Pelo que li de um seu post anterior encontra-se curto na JM, julgo que a curto prazo iremos assistir a um rally ascendente. Além de ter tocado na linha inferior do seu canal descendente, existe um pormenor curioso que ocorre com os volumes nos dias que precedem os rally's ascendentes.

José Graça
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Mensagens: 161
Registado: 6/12/2013 18:57

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 8/8/2014 22:33

artista_ Escreveu:
AntónioManuel Escreveu:
Isto é um alerta para um amigo que tenho que insiste em investir baseado em opiniões e impulsos

Só um?! O que não falta é gente a fazer isso... eu diria até que serão mais os que fazem isso do que os que não o fazem! :)

Concordo contigo artista, são sem duvida a maioria, e se juntarmos ao investir baseado em opiniões e impulsos ter uns bons kapas para jogar na bolsa é uma receita para o desastre, não se põe a duvida se vai acontecer é só uma questão de tempo.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por artista_ » 8/8/2014 22:16

AntónioManuel Escreveu:
Isto é um alerta para um amigo que tenho que insiste em investir baseado em opiniões e impulsos

Só um?! O que não falta é gente a fazer isso... eu diria até que serão mais os que fazem isso do que os que não o fazem! :)
Sugestões de trading, análises técnicas, estratégias e ideias http://sobe-e-desce.blogspot.com/
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Mensagens: 17491
Registado: 17/3/2003 22:51
Localização: Almada

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 8/8/2014 21:37

Ponto da situação do trade curto na Galp
gráfico a 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 8/8/2014 21:36

Ponto da situação do trade curto na JM
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 7/8/2014 9:55

Never add to a losing trade, eventually a trend in the wrong direction will destroy you if you add multiple times to a losing trade making it huge.
Steve Burns

Nunca adicionar a um negocio em que se está a perder, eventualmente, numa tendência na direção errada, vai destruí-lo se você adicionar várias vezes a um negocio perdedor tornando-o numa perda enorme.

Isto é um alerta para um amigo que tenho que insiste em investir baseado em opiniões e impulsos
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 6/8/2014 23:12


Tens alguma opinião relativamente a uma possível entrada no BCP?


O bcp como se vê no gráfico semanal está a quebrar a SMA50, na minha opinião se na sexta feira quebrar mesmo, então tem boas probabilidades de vir aquela zona dos 0.06€, aí poderá então reagir.Neste momento no gráfico Diário, está sobrevendido e é provável que suba, pode até anular a quebra que está a fazer na SMA50 no gráfico semanal.
No meu método neste momento não tenho sinais nem para abrir curtos nem longos vou esperar mais definição.
Gráfico Semanal
bcp diario.png
Gráfico Diário
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por katolo » 6/8/2014 22:56


Tens alguma opinião relativamente a uma possível entrada no BCP?

Mensagens: 1394
Registado: 20/2/2014 22:01

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 6/8/2014 22:17

Ten Ways To Limit Your Draw Downs In Trading Capital

Author: Stephen Burns

While all of these may not fit into your own trading plan some of these rules could help individuals decrease draw downs.

1. Make limiting your draw down in capital your number one priority not your profits. It is much easier to be profitable when you don’t lose much money when you are wrong.
2. Never lose more than 1% of your total trading capital on any one trade.
3. Do not over expose your account to too many positions that are all closely correlated to the same trend.
4. Only take your highest probability entry signals.
5. Only trade one to three open positions at a time so even big whipsaws in price action do not damage your account too much.
6. Only trade markets you are very familiar with and have done excessive research on with charts and back tests.
7. Trade smaller and smaller during losing streaks and only get back up to full size during winning streaks.
8. Use option contracts to cap possible maximum losses to only the contract size.
9. Do not become biased as a bull or a bear be open minded to what the markets and your signals are saying about the current trend.
10. Trade only a method you fully understand do not piggy back on another traders trades.
mmmm.jpg (26.44 KiB) Visualizado 6929 vezes
Editado pela última vez por AntónioManuel em 6/8/2014 22:56, num total de 1 vez.
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 6/8/2014 22:11

Ponto da situação do trade curto na Jerónimo Martins
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22

Re: Antóniomanuel Trading

por AntónioManuel » 6/8/2014 22:08

Ponto da situação no trade curto da galp
Gráfico 4h
Fortunes are made every year by those who take the time to learn to interpret charts properly. "O`Neil"
The chart is never wrong. Your interpretation of it however, that's a different story. "J.C.Parets"
Turn off the financial news and watch the charts, they tell the real story. "Steve Burns"
Each trade should end in only one of these ways, a small loss, a small win, a big win. Never a big loss or a huge loss. "Steve Burns"
Professional traders keep good records and have a trading journal to analyze their behavior to improve their edge. Tradeciety-Rolf
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Mensagens: 1387
Registado: 17/4/2014 21:22


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